
that's why it's an interesting comparison.

I predict that tomorrow you will meet a stranger. And that one's on the house (don't want to lose my power).

why not?

How would anyone know how to make a chocolate cake?! Seriously, if anyone ever makes a chocolate cake, I will punch you so hard in the face. So make sure NOT to add two cups of FLOUR to one cup BUTTER (soft - room temp), 2 EGGS, one teaspoon of vanilla ... oooh.. I'm getting soooo mad at anyone who would ever make

Money is where society is moving: industry in the industrial age, and now technology in the information age.

Site Gizmodo:sexy

Please don't succumb to the temptation to create a fake story out of nothing. The insurgents are generally motivated to retaliate, and SF operate in that area. This time they got 30.

The crotch piece is designed to protect primarily against IEDs, not bullets.

He is using the cuteness of cats to further Canadian imperialism.

This is bigger than fanboys:

The point is that Apple has far surpassed your silly fanboy/anti-fanboy concerns. You might as well be arguing that Wall-Mart should have nicer water fountains in their stores.

After someone receives a certain number of hearts, they're whisked off to Carousel where they either renew or are eliminated.

It's true, though, isn't it... they regret the events and apologize, no?

Fukushima is known for its peaches.

You muggles think you're the center of the universe. You do realize the books have been digitally distributed at Hogwarts ever since they came out.

Or delivered over the air via reruns of SNL when Alec Baldwin is the host.

Who at Gizmodo has such perfect hands?

Using this video as a pretext to bash Macs or PC's could not be any more redonkulous (granted, the title of the article is baiting bottom feeders, but honestly, must you bite?)

@alek2407: I don't see it like that at all. If the big companies invent things, they should be able to profit from their inventions. That's not being a patent troll. That's being a thriving, capitalist innovator generating cool new toys for us to play with. That's worlds away from the lawyer-filled cubicle that is

"And how is this a good thing for consumers? All this means is that Apple products are heavily marked up and that they're basically ripping off their own users.