
I dont believe it's going to upload your actual music, just a menu of what you have that will be used for streaming from the library already on Apple's servers. Therefore, no initial data flood.

Seriously... wouldn't it be easier to simply not click on stories you don't want to read?

Re "iPlanking":

Wire people always questioning this, when conventional treatment can’t hold a candle to this more current approach? Even with all that power, it’s not as if it hertz.

SEAL Team 6: The Musical!!!!!!

Maybe Tom Clancy for movie #1, then Oliver Stone for movie #2 showing that movie #1 was based on a widespread conspiracy.

Coming soon to a theater near you.

Yes. There were backups waiting nearby for numerous contingencies.

I think it's a good bet that the dog's no longer named Cairo.

"Every single detail?"

That's quite a bit of duct tape on Atlantis there. Looks like it could use a paint job as well.

Must they be mutually exclusive? Could it be that he is a pine cone and those are pingpong balls?

Will they resurrect their Adamo website with its bevy of anorexic fashionistas prancing around with their oh so stylish laptops?

The Trouble With Tribble

Anyone worried about the HumanCentiPad thing is just being an idiot. Apple only made a single prototype, so the chances of being selected for it are extremely remote.

Sorry. What were you saying?

If you're going to ask people to be quiet in a coffee bar, you might as well ask them to stop serving coffee in the library. Wait..

I don't see how anyone can blame LG or Apple.

I really don't get that from this article at all. There's a problem with some iPads which originated with a bad run of LG screens. LG made the panels, but Apple, not LG, takes the hit.

I doubt anyone would take off their gloves on the summit.