
Someone died on Everest last weekend. Guess it wasn't this guy.

Would be nice to see this kind of approach applied to a book that wasn't about itself.

I wonder at what point Apple-bashers are going to acknowledge that numbers this large signify the death of the fanboy. People who buy Apple gadgets are like people who buy Samsung TV's, a large, amorphous cross section rather than a rarified, ridiculous niche.

Be that as it may, if your white iPhone ever asks you "do I look fat in this case, honey?" always say "of course not!!" even if it does.

"I fear that the escaped convicts will end up being more brazen, connected and criminally savvy and ever."

Many of the prisoners are the shared enemy of - and have been targeting - both the Afghan Gov't and U.S. troops. Of course the U.S. military has an interest in getting them off the street.

What's next? Adding a simultaneous audio track to the picture?

Like corpses strewn on Everest, except (very much) at sea level.

Don't spiders in close proximity hate each other, reverting to fighting and cannibalism?

So what exactly are you placing in a harness?

What do they do with glasses returned by movie goers with pustulating leprosy sores on their nose?

What you said, plus the word is so saturated in popular slang that it's not as offensive to the people who try be offended by that sort of thing as it used to be. Just as you use the word again in your response - it's the same action again - your use of the word without flinging it at someone - shouldn't be offensive.

I find Matt to be the best writer on Gizmodo's payroll. If you're looking for reasons to grouse about gizmodo, there are plenty, but Matt's use of slang in an obvious caricature is not one of them.

Of course you're right!

not if making up stuff generates this kind of publicity, and just selling it leaves it to languish in obscurity.

Thanks! (I didn't realize that).

it's not whether you have something to prove or not. it's if that true, it would be interesting to have answers to those questions, and know that they're from a reliable source.

I have one and find it useful. You don't have one and conclude "it's useless and that's all there is to it."

OMG!! I've seen her in Starbucks 10,000 times!! You mean, that actually works?!