
He is arguing that music should be free because it suits HIS business model.

I never understood people who like to stick their tongues in the feed slots of vintage self-threading super 8 movie projectors, but they do.

Gizmodo does stories on RIM crashing and burning because RIM is crashing and burning. Would you prefer that Giz lied?


what makes you think pirating is OK?

Andrew, many (most?) pro speakers are sold individually and are "individually powered," i.e. "active monitors" as compared to passive.

Isn't this the same Apple that requested DNA samples from customers in one retail store, and cloned replicants of them in a back room? I do understand how that might potentially improve the shopping experience as I'm not a luddite, and a friend of mine even applied for a job as a "swabber," but I'm not sure I'm


Yes, the 10 geeks who saw it really enjoyed it.

yeah.... but sales are GREAT!!

So it makes you not like indie music so much because successful indie musicians want to be able to leave that job in Starbucks and actually make more of the music you want??!!

The company also makes a dining room table out of crashed Gulfstreams.

Mind translating into Jive?

more significantly, this means the gov't thinks facebook will be around for at least 2 more decades

love that snare drum!

Are you familiar with the anti-grammar-Nazi internet dictum commonly referred to as "Frigg's Law"?

At some point, doesn't soap go bad? Therefore, after that point would you actually prefer your second or third choice (and likely more readily available) soap to an aging, yellowed bar of soap #1?

Siri is also (and crucially) Siri, the artificial intelligence layer born in DARPA.

The new cube is kind of amazing looking. Like a giant ice cube.

the glasses she's wearing are almost invisible!