
Less than a dollar a month is “excessive”? People pay 5x+ more than that for Netflix.

I’m not a fan of the one LastPass uses, but they have one that hides when you scroll down, and reappears when you scroll up. That way you can still see the list if you want.

Very true, I'm not disagreeing. They could have two online, and five in the store and it'd still show the same thing. But even then, people are buying. That fact disproves the original statement: "They keep making them. We keep not buying them. When will they learn?!"

Just because you aren't interested, doesn't mean

Very true, I'm not disagreeing. They could have two online, and five in the store and it'd still show the same

Sold out online. I checked my local store, and they sold out about an hour ago. Rats.

Sold out online. I checked my local store, and they sold out about an hour ago. Rats.

Except it's sold out already...

Except it's sold out already...

I’m considering switching to a paid service, simply because I don’t know how Mint uses my data. “If it’s free, you are the product” really gets to me when attaching my banking info to a service.

Yup, your exactly right. I knew I’d screw it up. Can’t edit it either. Gah.

Awesome, thanks for your help! This is my first real car accident, so it's good to have some advice on what to do. I appreciate it!

I'm not sure, I've been talking to my insurance company quite a bit lately, and it seems like they'll use my previous statements (They had me recorded right after the accident on what happened) as well as my video/pictures/emails as statements. I know my insurance company doesn't believe I'm responsible, I have a

Ha, I knew I’d screw that up. Thanks.

So my wife and I were involved in an accident in October last year. Our Honda Civic was totaled, while his car had a small scratch on his tire. He pushed us into another truck. Our insurance was super helpful so far, and, while the police officially said "nobody was at fault", We were told they didn't believe it was

Reminds me of the riddle (I’m going off of memory, in case I mess it up):

Q: “There are only two barbers in your small town. One has a really good haircut, the other has a terrible haircut. Which do you go to?”
A: “The one with the good haircut, since it was done by the other barber”

Although looking back on it, I

I have no idea, I don’t have the skills to do any of this stuff. Phones have something where they stop charging at 100%, right? But... that’s software and may be more complicated than it’s worth. :/

What this needs is rechargeable batteries, so when the power is on, it charges the batteries, and when it’s off it turns on the lights.

You can’t have an iPad mini with a windows computer? Since when? You know they sync just fine. You just stop the dumb Apple stuff from loading on boot (via msconfig), and your computer will run fine too.

Combine this with Zombies, Run! and you've got your workout made!

I would be interested as well, this happened to me too.

I'm not sure, but I think the last sentence was sarcasm? If not, ignore this comment.

What about current version of the OS? For instance, a phone could have all the specs I could want, but if it's still running ICS, there's no way I'm buying it.

They didn't mishear. That's what he recommends on both cases.

Not investing before paying off debt kind of makes sense. Get your foundation right as soon as possible before building the rest of the house. Focus on the things dragging you down makes sense, especially if you have a lot of debt.