
Your phone won’t turn off when the battery is at 45%

With every iOS release, I love hearing about the pile of small but cool new features like this. They just don’t get attention until a week or more after the iOS release.

I guess someone’s whateverthefuck degree didn’t teach them any basic politeness.

You’ll have problems with this if you use Marshmallow (and perhaps Nougat) on Samsung phones. Not sure if this happens on others, but because this is an overlay on the screen, I was constantly being told I had to disable it in order to grant any new permissions. For example, if I installed an app that needed to ask

Take heart, babies can sleep though almost everything.(That’s where the term ‘sleep like a baby’ comes from, they just don’t sleep long lol). My German has a loud, abrasive bark, and in 6 months she’s woken the baby maybe twice. And only when baby was just drifting off. We also don’t have a fan over our stove, and the

If it’s any consolation, this sort of stuff often sorts itself out. The dog will figure out that the baby crying isn’t something they want to trigger, or the baby will learn to sleep through the dog crying. And if they don’t... well, babies are only babies for a little while.

I’m allowed to be bitter. But fuck you too while im at it.

Common sense. The statements by Ian Sterling and the Intuit hunters imply that Landoon shouldn’t be chaining his dogs. Personally, I wouldn’t chain my dogs around apex predators... that seems a little too similar the goat scene in Jurassic Park.

If you’re worried about a date ditching you over what kind of phone you’re using you’re:

I know, I was just being coy..

That’s pretty much the only question that matters.

To all of the people tearing into Google for not just upgrading Hangouts, this article from Android Police raises a good point:

OK bye

You’re thinking of it the wrong way. Google has an open API for the Cast protocol that any developer can add to their app. The Chromecast itself doesn’t “support” any video service. Amazon has chosen to not support Cast for Amazon Instant Video.

What message? Apple just made money off of you because you bought the phone.

Why iphone?

If it’s so important that teams stand at attention during the anthem, then isn’t playing it before they’re on the field MORE disrespectful?

Except that 1) Bluetooth still exists and 2) It literally comes with analog adapter and 3) There are already 3rd party adapters - they just need to pay for the connector license

I can’t think of an insurance company that would risk underwriting something that involves putting a payload on top of a giant bomb and hoping the explosion only goes away from it.