
“Binary sexuality”... Is that just a bunch of ones and zeroes humping?

“Since porn stars are deemed prostitutes they definitely have higher rates of post-traumatic stress disorder than even combat veterans. Plus, PTSD is exacerbated in female porn stars because the porn set is a war zone where women are strangled, battered, gagged by penises, vaginally and anally raped and severely

Damn fine

Black. And the cherry pie can’t be beat.

I am embarrassed by proxy. I can’t even watch the Magic Mike trailers without getting hives.

What?!? Who were these boys? Queer Eye for the Straight Guy?

Agreed very classist comment #cancelemmagolddigger

Uh, he’s the sexiest werewolf this side of the Mississippi, friend.

I thought they had a bunch of malformed Kardashians shackled up in the basement. Or just, like, ones who are normal humans. "Mom, I don’t want to be on a reality show, I want to be an oncologist.” Get in the basement, Karson.

Don’t be shitty.

Who are all these folks who don’t have sex on their periods? I get fairly heavy periods and we kind of just power through, although I don’t have cramps or anything, and I imagine that would change things. I guess I just assumed if I got my period on our honeymoon we would just throw a towel down (a brown towel?) and

Um, never seen my handle before? The gratuitous “MD” is therefore in ALL of my posts, genius.

Beer is for drinking, water is for fighting over.

I know you’re trying to be sensational and snarky, but this wastewater recovery technology is actually really cool and should be more widely used. Water: we’re not making any more of it folks.

That sounds so rapey.

In the local Utah amusement park they have ACTUAL DESIGNATED SMOKING SECTIONS where you can smoke a cigarette between rides and it's totally allowed! It's heaven! Utah is really puritanical about everything except smoking, for some reason. Utah - 1. France - 0.

I am continually surprised by the amount of grudging enjoyment people take in his work. It’s all so transparently sanctimonious, by the time one of the main characters eats it, I’ve already worked myself up into a good rage about how much I hate Nicholas Sparks, his entire body of work, and the sub-genre of sappy,

hi there, cute israeli photog/army guy (probably)