
Yeah, a lot of sources trace the “birther” nonsense back to her camp. Ugh.

Romona Quimby would probably be one of those crazy Portland anti-fluorinated water people.

One time when I was outside of a Cheesecake Factory smoking a cigarette a man propositioned me thinking I was a hooker.

ooo did you also not fill it in with lipstick instead just used some gloss? Cuz if so then you and I had the same make up regime back in the day. ALL THE LINER


Thus sayeth the prophecy. Are you sayething the prophecy didn't sayeth that?

Embarrassed? I'd be THRILLED if this was my mom! (Ugh, unintentional pun. Really, I would be.)

Just completely unsolicited advice from an internet stranger, it's probably a really bad idea to propose to someone you're not even dating. Why not just ask her to be in a relationship instead? Personally, I would be kinda weirded out if a close friend asked me to marry him if we weren't actually together. But I

I didn't see him "finger" her. Was that in a different clip? The pornographic one?

OK, I know that Biden is popular with the young liberals and all, but... eh. I dunno. TBH, I'm not cool with this. I HATE being touched by people I don't know well, and I would probably backfist someone who did this to me (and wouldn't be surprised if my wife did the same.)

what are you even talking about — they are entitled to all the space in the world.

Nah it still manages to make it a bit a creepy. Honestly if Obama did that to someone there would be a thousand think pieces about it, with a lot of racist undertones.

Random story (And I swear I am not stalking you around Jezebel today).

what the fuck is with old white men not understanding personal space?

BLACK PEOPLE .. Black people!! I'm not 100% sure but I think we've just been dissed.

It's weird, I've been white my WHOLE life and I've never done a matching costume with a platonic guy friend. Am I doing it wrong?

In high school, 2 15 year old girls were dating these 2 25 year old friends. It was all fine, of course, because they met at church and God told them to all date and it was holy.

This girl never had a chance. She was pole dancing in her parent's bedroom at the age of 9, pretending she was on Girls Gone Wild...and now she's dating a man with a child who will end up breaking up with her and moving onto another teenage girl. I just don't understand why some parents allow their kids to date

This is some brave shit.