
"Hey Bras, guess who's paying child support in 9 months and spreads STDs!? Yup! It's this Bra!"

I think for the conservatives it's a religious/"don't tell me what to do with my kids" issue and for the liberals it's a "but vaccines have stuff in them, you know, like things" issue.

Anti-vaxxers are largely a "willfully ignorant" thing. Lucky for us (/s), that's non-partisan!

Adultosaur has become the e.e.cummings of Jez.

Lol, thanks :)

On a scale of 1 to Bill O'Reilly, how butthurt were you when you wrote this article?

Jesus christ, those t-shirts are fighting for their damn lives. It's like DAY OF THE GIANT PECS over here.

Because my voice deserves to be heard as well. So yes, #notallchristians with ZERO shame. I'll #notallchristians all day erry day.

Yeah I'm also chronically anemic. Are there any safe proven no terrible brands?

It's definitely annoying, but it's also really sad. Money does not save a person from being brainwashed into these delusional ideas.

They're usually dumb until you realize that his other thoughts include: "Our government bombed the WTC and the Pentagon to further advance our out of control Military Industrial Complex so that the rich stay richer and the sheeple stay under our control."


How is it even possible that these manufacturers are allowed to sell something as ginseng that contains no actual ginseng? Regardless of how you feel about the efficacy of herbal supplements, it's crazy that proper labelling laws don't apply to EVERYTHING.

Conspiracy theories are usually dumb, but this one is a special kind of dumb.

His first statement doesn't sound as bad as the headline suggests. It's kind of a non-statement that seems to boil down to, "vaccinate your kids, please, but I won't make it a legal requirement." Which, I wish politicians would be firmer about this, but it's hardly antivax.

they're throwing a Super Bowl party every week?!

Pro-nudity activists and the people one wishes were pro-nudity activists:

Does this mean I can wear my gold lame North Face puffy jacket again?!?!?!

hi I'm plain in feature and certainly overweight, but I sell monogrammed coffee thermoses!!!