
I mean, even if he said anti-choice things before, he's still allowed to father his kid. There's no "DON'T BE A HYPOCRITE" clause in custody law.

I don't think thats whats going on, I think any outrage is coming from conservative muslims.

coco >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hilaria

This woman is the type of mother that makes me hate mothers.

A heads up for anyone who has been wishing to turn a loved one/hated one into a diamond...

Or maybe she believes that you cannot separate what Beyonce does on stage or in a video from who she is, and that her trite brand of image-based feminism is as vacuous and hollow as she comes across in interviews? And what the heck is 'diminishing her humanity'? You mean disagreeing with what she does? Criticising

Haha that's certainly true. And still, it's not right. If it's their money then they can spend it however the hell they want. Sarah Palin still sucks, though.

If you follow the logic of "American Sniper is like the movie they show in the theater in Basterds," then it isn't even about comparing American soldiers to Nazis, it is comparing the audience that is celebrating the movie to the Germans (many of them actual Nazis) in the audience watching the movie and celebrating.

Yeah...I was commenting to share that my friends have told me I look like a Bratz doll (large almond shaped eyes and full lips with a prominent cupids bow), but I now know that would be akin to admitting I look like a porn star.

IT'S SO JARRING. And their expressions are all this weird combination of bored/devious/come-hither. The only thought process that could reasonably lead to that look is "Welp, nothin' to do tonight, guess I'll fuck this random guy then steal his wallet when he passes out."

I messed that all up.

We share a bank account, we share all the bills, we share a bed, we share responsibility for keeping alive two shrieking banshees (aka children)... there is absolutely no reason for us NOT to share email passwords, at least in my mind. Plus, he would never update his internet passwords if I didn't do it for him

she looks exactly like maria menounos except everyone id ok with maria being emaciated

Israel is a Jewish country. People who dislike someone purely because they're from Israel are pretty shitty people.

No it doesn't, and that's fine. I'm just upset that the article writer thinks the reason everyone's mad is she "visited Vietnam". It suggests maybe she doesn't know what she's talking about. It's her ignorance that's upsetting me, not anyone actually involved in the debate's.

I guess in Lebanon it's in vogue to be anti-semitic.

Nothing with Goop? Come on! Do your homework.

You are projecting. Not all homeschooling families get "zero socializing" or zip "experience navigating rules and infrastructure." The homeschooled children I know (granted, in secular and brainy circles) have mentors with advanced degrees in their interest areas, including (but not limited to) robotics, evolutionary

Actually the majority of home schooled kids test higher and progress faster than kids in regular school.

Thanks for saying this. I was not home schooled, but I do know some extremely intelligent and well-adjusted people who are. To the people who are saying it should be illegal, and most the parents don't know the difference between there and their. Seriously, shame on you. Public (and Private) school have their faults,