
Not wanting to nitpick, and certainly not wanting to defend Mr. Cosby, unless Mr. Rock knows something about the space-time continuum that I don't, how is it that Mr. Roethlisberger is the Original Cosby, when Mr. Cosby's history so clearly predates Mr. Roethlisberger's?

I call him Ben Rapelisberger, personally.

If it's any consolation to him, it may not be anyone he LIKES.

I have one of those husbands too - despite myself being a survivor of sexual abuse at the hands of my father.

Hmm, that's not a bad hypothesis. I'd also add Boy Scouts troop leaders/den parents/what ever the fuck you call them to that list.

People stopped having those arguments around me. My abuser was a upstanding pillar of the community, well off, drove a Mercedes, worked with the Boy Scouts and tons of other volunteer things that rich people can do since they don't have to work the same way normal people do. I shut that line of thought down quick when

It's an excellent choice. Like first responders to disasters, these people do excellent work all the time and don't get enough attention/thanks.

The Ebola Fighters are the WORST Foo Fighters cover band ever.

I am

I love when people's defense of someone is "Well I've never seen him do anything like that!" Are these people under the conception that your average child molester goes around catcalling kids at playgrounds?

in my years as a fact checker at a few major magazines, stating that names have been changed is actually done to avoid these types of problems. I don't know if book publishers regularly do it too and this was an oversight, or if they just don't consider it an issue. but, really, it's the smart move to help avoid

Gah he's the worst! I'd like to request Dr. Jenn from Couples Therapy.

I remember the original Scream Queens so I was really confused by this headline

The minority? Who likes Emma Roberts????

I know I am probably among the minority but god do I dislike Emma Roberts. Her character is so predictable and flat!! #endrant

I watched part of the interview. I really never thought Bush was a bad guy- a bad president, but I think he was always well intentioned. He just should have done something other than go into politics.

Thanks for your input. I should have been more specific about their prejudice towards Muslims.

I kindof don't care whether he did or did not do it, or whether it's resolved. I mean, as a human I care that potentially someone is in prison who should not be, because I'm a human being with a sense of justice.

I disagree actually. I think she WANTS to think he didn't. But she is constantly second guessing herself in that regard. Plus, as a listener I don't honestly find myself that swayed by her. I'm still changing my mind every damn episode. AND ITS DRIVING ME MAD.

- Girl got killed