
thanks so much for your reply - as someone who was a victim of child-on-child abuse, i have been having horrific flashbacks since this story broke three weeks ago. it helps to know that others are horrified by what is clearly abusive behavior on the part of dunham towards her baby sister.

Am I missing a joke? I've been known to do that. Where I'm from, getting called a heifer has nothing to do with your looks. I've never seen Nancy Gibbs, but ok.

Meanwhile, if not for feminism, Nancy Gibbs' ass wouldn't be the editor of Time magazine. But, she allowed this "snafu" to go to press. Ok, heifer.

I am mostly white and I was born in a hospital. Did your mom have access to an epidural? Or something? WHAT IF YOUR MOM WAS PREECLAMPTIC? Everyone: hospitals have medical professionals in them if anything goes awry! Midwives are fine, but hospitals will cauterize your uterus if a piece of the placenta is still

Katniss Everdeen had already killed her first five teenagers by that age!

uh, Jia, what's up with the racism here? I'm black and I've complained about similar things and so have my friends (all black). Maybe it's because we live in Atlanta, the capital of bippies, buppies, and bipsters. Especially black folks whose locs are all doused in incense and essential oil with bad african hipster

Thank goodness the meat we eat every day grows on trees, and is not the result of "murdering" animals.

Considering the degree of death of all manner of living things which surrounded those individuals who first coined the English word "murder," I'm going to disagree that they made a word for killing people so that they could enjoy their molecular gastronomy without qualms. Until recently we all looked our meat in the

I made dis! :) Everything went perfectly. She is 7 pounds and 10 ounces of screaming, shitting, snotting awesomeness! Also, I love Percocet.

"Murder" specifically refers to the killing of a human being. Animals may be "slaughtered," "killed," "exterminated," "euthanized," etc depending on the situation.

I'm sorry, but if your leg has been humped by more than three dogs, it's officially slutty. Ditto if any of the dogs were ones you just met.

Joke would be on that teacher, cause by that age, I'd chased and killed my own chicken already.

The cat is making a Lucille Bluth looking at Buster face every time it looks at him.

"Cops keep shooting me. What to do?"

omg delightful yes keep talking yes yes yes

I hate how any expression that doesn't celebrate someone's unique special snowflakeness is "shaming" these days. Ever read the Salman Rushdie's novel, "Shame"? His thoughts on "the polarity of honor and shame," its relation to violence? Yeah, having your vax choice poo-poo'd doesn't count. In fact can we resurrect

Me either. I'm actually confused. Maybe "first-world" is what the author was going for. This is really stupid.

i don't understand what makes this whitey mcwhite. the anti vaxxers? the midwives? the home birth? or being shamed by midwives who are crazy anti vaxxers?

I think this whole thing is kind of shitty. It's like...let's berate women for getting C-sections and using westernized medicine, but let's also make fun of them and talk about how "white" they are if they have a midwife. Didn't Jezebel post an article the other day about women's choices on giving birth and how it's

Whenever I read advice columns it makes me so jealous. How does one get a column where they give people advice? I'm so good at bitching people out and telling them how wrong they are! Guys! Check out my jezumé (that's a Jezebel resumé, to be clear).