
And being terrifically wrong in his discoveries. "It has two round humps, and I was looking for breasts, so I will proclaim these BOOBS!"

Those school girl days of telling tales and biting nails are gone?

NOTE NOTE NOTE: "men are simplistic" is a harmful opinion of men and is PART OF THE PROBLEM WITH THE PATRIARCHY. when men feel defeated, weak and masculine when they have complex feelings, it is because of the patriarchy. when men ARE simplistic, ignorant and can't control themselves, it is because they are

I'd rather give a daily blowjob if it meant I didn't have to keep a tidy home.

Damn, if I sucked dick everyday my wife would probably leave me.

Wow. Fucking reach a little why don't ya?

I don't think her actions are praiseworthy by any means, but it's a stretch to compare her to War Machine. If her retelling is accurate (who knows?), it doesn't seem like he felt his life was in danger at any point—he could have left, but he stayed because of a sense of obligation/"atonement"/whatever. Huston didn't

Is this assault? Sure. Not domestic violence, though. Domestic violence is a pattern of behaviors used to hold and maintain power and control over an intimate partner—something I would argue he did far more of with his cheating and lying than she did in this isolated incident of violence. Domestic violence is not

Yes. This oft-cited quote from Nicole about Kim working for Paris strikes me as an incredibly interesting and complex view of how that power dynamic / rivalry worked. Oh the politics of Oughts celebrity frenemies!

yes, dicks in the mouth bad, very bad. She bad woman.

Wakka Wakka Wakka!

I think you mean somebutty.

I don't care about this enough to have a problem with it (despite generally disliking both women) but I'd love if we could stop using "it looks good" as a defense. Who cares? If she had a terrible ass it would be fine, too.

Voice of dissent: I'm okay with a comedian posting her ass online. Mooning people is basic comedy. It's not high brow comedy, but that's neither here or there. Moreover, it's a good looking ass. Moreover over, it's not a surgery-enhanced ass. Moreover over over, it's a response to the Kardashian ass, and the message

Pardon? What do Black men even have to do with whatever it is you're blabbing about?

Yep. Lord Disick for the win.

I'm black and I'm failing to see why this is offensive. It's mocking the KKK, not black men. I'm not saying other people cannot take offense, but I am personally not offended. The KKK (and other racist folks) hate white women dating black men. Perhaps possible off white racist, assholes is the only positive Kardashian

I like Jessie J (which seems to be an unpopular opinion around these parts, judging from the comments), but... no. Just no. There is no excuse to remake a perfectly good song.

What did the number 0 say to the numer 8?

Nice belt, fuckface.

I might be the only one, but I never thought Beyoncé was that great, but what do I know, I'm a disembodied penis!