your comment=perfect
your comment=perfect
Pretty much every person who judged Rihanna for going to back Chris Brown after he beat her, or Janay Rice for marrying her husband after he knocked her out cold , even though we're all fully aware of what the cycle of abuse looks like.
I love Mellie! and i am black what does it say about me?
aggressively white
And she has every reason to be angry...just like Olivia has the right to be angry at times as well. I don't get why we have this stupid stereotype. People, HUMANS get angry. Yes, some people ARE angry as well. But, this stupid stereotype that says that as a black woman I wake up angry (flawless?) because life is…
If she got pregnant before she was married, it means one of her younger siblings was in the room when it happened...
She would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids.
I like how the end of the video captured the raw, animal sexuality inherent in semi-sheer pantyhose. Job interviews and funerals, amirite?
JLo is GORGEOUS. She gets more beautiful as she ages. I love her. That song is terrible (it was like a super cut of all of the shittiest 'club bangers' from the past 5 years rolled into one. Work:Something about a birthday: something about a booty: something about grabbing a man and brining him to the dance-floor)…
That's way harsh, Tai! If we're giving murderers - not people who killed someone in a war or in self-defense or whatever, MURDERERS - a pass, we also have to recognize that some homophobes are brainwashed, sheltered people who grew up in homophobic environments and don't know (or don't realize they know) any gay…
I would rather hang out with drug addicts and thieves than with homophobes. Don't worry, homophobes, I still prefer you to murderers.
EXCUSE YOU, Courtney Love is a national treasure.
See, that's why I only play hold'em. It's only two cards! No need for elaborate counting. One, two, done. Even drunk I can count to two. He probably tried one of those seven card games and had to count on his fingers. That's how they get you.
I just bought overalls, and I'm really excited about it. I feel like these overalls are going to bring so much positivity into my life. #blessed
Sort of serious question.. Should denim shirts even exist? If you can't wear a denim shirt with jeans, what should you wear them with? I don't think I've ever owned a denim shirt but if I did I think I'd wear it with...jeans. Or maybe khakis? IDK. JLo looks okay, though.
hello stories pls