I understand why people would feel like they couldn't talk about this. If we're being honest about feelings here, I honestly felt no sympathy for the women above. To be honest, I saved all my sympathy for their children.
I understand why people would feel like they couldn't talk about this. If we're being honest about feelings here, I honestly felt no sympathy for the women above. To be honest, I saved all my sympathy for their children.
Off topic, and infuriating:
Venice and Atlantic City: Constant safe havens for thigh-bearing floozies.
Uh, you meant to post this on Stormfront.com, right?
Their half sandwich plus small salad/soup deal is pretty decent at $6-8. You'll have to pry Panera from my cold dead hands.
Get a room you two.
Wow, they're disciplining him over this? I guess PETA is more powerful than we thought.
Ada Lovelace was an absolute BAMF. She also died in her 30s, so was computer programming from the age of 18 having worked on a heap of mathematics-based stuff before that. But you know, anything done by teenage girls is silly right? Women have always played a huge role in computing and coding and will continue to do…
I'm surprised and very disappointed that you didn't note how few of the pictures feature older women, fat women, and women of color. This isn't really a celebration of all butts (as much as I'd love one of those). What a bizarrely limited selection of humans!
When sex and tattoos are involved, it's hard to go wrong but clearly, in this case it did.
And, with porn, everything is on my terms. I can say no whenever I want to. I can do what I want to, I can do what I don't want to. I'm in control..
The person who called the cops in the first place was probably motivated by race but I think the cop handled the situation well. When this story first broke i was expecting a whole different kind of conversation but the cop seemed professional to me. He was called to investigate a potential crime, either…
Yup. If someone called in a lewd act, then he could have been less of a dick about it. However, this is a really different story than the one we were first told (which wasn't necessarily her fault): woman kisses boyfriend on street, is stopped by cop.
"Officer: I'm [inaudible] interested –you have a publicist?"
I'm fully #TeamNoOne on this one.
I don't know. After reading the transcript it doesn't seem to me that the police officer was out of line. In fact it sounds like he was being very patient with someone who wanted to make a scene. I'm not saying that race doesn't play a part but not sure this was the issue this time. She also sounds like a child…
I've been buying old ass Lego like it is going out of style on Ebay. Once done, I will start buying used Playmobile for my kids.
I had the Playmobile space station and it was the best toy ever!
Your comment gave me the biggest smile. My three-year-old nephew isn't really into my old Grand Champions (TMBHITW), but when he discovered my Playmobile zoo and farm and was told they were my old toys, he sagely turned to my father and said, "I think we should call Aunt Pyrite" (to ask if he could play with them). My…