I prefer the sequels. I Still, Still Know What You Did Two Summers Ago, and TBH I Don't Remember What You Did That Summer But I'ma Kill You Anyway.
I prefer the sequels. I Still, Still Know What You Did Two Summers Ago, and TBH I Don't Remember What You Did That Summer But I'ma Kill You Anyway.
This movie makes me so nostalgic. It sticks out as one of the movies I watched during the summer that I was starting to read teen magazines and feel more interested in collecting Lip Smackers than Grand Champions (the most beautiful horses in the world, ya'll). Those were good years.
Yes, because men aren't putting millions of selfies on the internet taking pictures of their swole bodies.
As much as I detest Iggy Azalea (and god do I detest her) this whole sex tape debacle is not cool and Vivid should face legal action for soliciting a tape that was filmed without her knowledge (or consent) when she was still a legal minor.
Hideous quality of the sculpt aside, and to some here who crave attention by posting derogatory remarks about the woman, however poorly she lived her life, she was an amazing talent as a songwriter and singer and her brief fame was well-earned.
emphasizes their policy against products that demean people based on "race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, disability, or sexual orientation."
When I was in college, a guy I knew sent an email out to his fraternity brothers in which he made a facetious joke about hoping someone would assassinate President Bush. The next day, the secret service showed up and questioned him/scared the shit out of him. Anyway, the moral of this story is that Billy Eichner is…
Ummm but not everyone would want their kid to be looking up to her as their 'motivation'. She attended an arts focused school and she is an artist and so that might say 'good fit' as far as talking to an audience of would be artists - however, as a parent and a Mum to a daughter and son I hope to raise as feminists -…
Do the butt implants help bring out her natural talent?
About the response I'd expect from people who literally think the universe revolves around them.
Or perhaps ableist or phobic of a particular religion or classist or fat phobic.
I recall an episode of Bones that featured pony play. I don't actually watch Bones, but my 14-year old daughter did! So mom got to explain that!
Please don't. It's like those idiots who declared themselves "Jedi" on the census. You're not doing yourself or atheists any favors. You're just making atheists look like pretentious, smug, grumpy, assholes. It's the equivalent of firing off a stupid one liner like "If God's so great, could he make a burrito so large…
Only if it adds brain cells. (Note: consuming Gawker may lead to short term memory loss)
*Grins inanely at you, giddily starts petition*
You are a special snowflake for seeing right from book one, told through the eyes of an 11 year old child with limited contact with an authority figure, what that authority's sexual preferences were!!!
It's a thing, I guess. Reading the books, it seemed obvious but I thought I was just projecting. If you're gay, you notice it. If you're not gay, you need to take a moment, like when your favorite uncle finally comes out. Some get over the moment, and some start throwing the cranberry sauce.