
No, if I read that 100 years ago a black man raped a white woman, I'd wonder if it was true. Not because black men were incapable of committing such a crime, but because it is well known they were an oppressed minority and society was too happy to attribute crimes to them. Same with a mentally ill Polish Jew. Way too

Oh? A Polish Jew did it?

I was dating a guy. Maybe not like getting married seriously, but we were definitely dating. We were also sleeping together. One night we were out drinking. He came over. We were having vaginal sex. Then he forced himself into my anus after repeated "No!"s. Several repeated forceful nos.

Oh, lord. My dad, back in the '60s, used to think he was the hippest hipster of hip whenever he got the opportunity to refer to something as "groady," usually whatever I was wearing.

HAHA. You're right, I stand corrected!

Well, at least we have Janelle Monae now. Also, Sara Bareilles is cool too. both are defined by their styles, talent and creativity rather than their physical attributes. I wish there were more like them.

She said some funny things, some boring things, and some bad things. But to reduce her with the epitaph of "unrepentantly racist shitstain" is way too harsh.

You fucking nailed it. I'll drink to that.

She will be missed.

As much as she has said some problematic shit in the past, it is important to remember the barriers for female comedians she broke down, as well as her numerous achievements.

I like to think Elaine Stritch answered the knock at the Pearly Gates and that they're both sitting having vodka on the rocks, talking shit about everyone.

I don't have a problem with people calling Beyonce a feminist. She has said and done many things that are genuinely empowering to women, especially women of color. I just don't think producing music videos that consistently pander to the male gaze is one of them.

Damn I miss when singers could actually sing and not have to sell sex for people to notice them. I can listen to erykah badu, sade, and lauryn hill all day and they didn't have to sell sex. What happen to musicians nowadays.

Are we at the point yet where we get to stop pretending that this nonsense is some sort of feminist statement?

On my first read I had to steel myself before delving into each chapter with the "Reek" POV. That is some seriously fucked up shit.

I was just googling this yesterday. I'm thrilled about Rosie Perez and need to google Nicolle W. But I have to say I am excited that there is a conservative on board who might have a grasp of politics more well informed than someone who is a vaccination kook and ex playboy centerfold, a creationist freak or someone

I went to a panel a couple years back that Wallace was on and found her quite enjoyable. She's extremely articulate, intelligent and seemed to have a good sense of humor. I have absolutely no desire to watch The View but as far as bringing in a conservative voice, I think they made a great choice.

Boring??!!! No way!!

You may live.