

I’ll try to transcribe it for you next time he yells at the t.v.

I watched the whole goddamn thing, and they did not lay as much as a finger on her. She made zero mistakes. This entire hearing was a total joke. The notion that this was “information gathering” is ridiculous. Every question from Republicans was accusatory in nature.

I actually watched almost all 11 hours of it, and I'm in agreement with the OP. She did a pretty damn good job of making the Republicans on the committee look petty & rude without really losing her cool or directly attacking any of them.

She totally reminds me of the time my elderly mother told her 6-foot teenage grandson, “Don’t you sass ME, young man!” Women need more of this attitude when grown men act like children.

Replying to myself to add: This is a regular feature of committee hearings. It is not limited to male members of Congress or to female testifiers. It’s across the board. Watch Kerry’s testimony on the Iran agreement. It is cringe inducing the idiocy of the questions being posed. Really, it’s just by the way committees

Ha! What babies. I don’t know where this idea comes from, that if you say something stupid and someone mocks you for it, you’ve somehow been harmed. Nobody considers the harm done by letting people say stupid things unchallenged.

This one is mine:

That’s an excellent idea. To the mathmobile!

They need someone to calculate exactly how much money this cost each American taxpayer and have negative black-and-white ads run with an ominous voice saying “The GOP would rather take 120 dollars of yours to beat a dead, rotting horse carcass then to put it towards schools, roads, public goods, or back in your

Here’s the thing (having worked in Congress and politics for a long time): many elected officials are complete idiots (this doesn’t just apply to Congress). As in mind-numbingly dumb. They often have quite intelligent staffers who write their speeches/floor statements and actually meet constituents and special

Not really related, but kinda: I hear Marketplace Morning Report every day, and I noticed recently that David Brancaccio features women as his guest experts all the time. Well more than half, I’d say. In an area where women are particularly overlooked and shouted down (economics), I figure he must be doing this


It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.

Yep. There’d be some new “bite me”s and “if you’re not interested in what I have to say, why am I fucking here? There are several bottles of wine out there with my name on them”s in the Congressional Record if I were her.

Excellent use of taxpayer $ by the party of fiscal responsibility, everyone!

My Dad described yesterday’s affair perfectly; “one increasingly presidential looking lady surrounded by a circus of sweaty assholes”.

She privately e-mailed the CIA Director’s AOL account to set up an arms trade with Iran to send weapons to Zombie Bin Laden to kill fetuses in Syria, which would’ve been able to defend themselves had Obama not taken away their guns.

In my dreams, Cecile Richards responds to Duncan with: “No, I do not. And don’t call me Shirley.”