RE: TadK’s comment. This sort of thing is epidemic, and it is sickening - the ‘businesses’ that hire disabled folk out of their Goodwill (mm-hmm) and then pay them, say, five dollars a week.
RE: TadK’s comment. This sort of thing is epidemic, and it is sickening - the ‘businesses’ that hire disabled folk out of their Goodwill (mm-hmm) and then pay them, say, five dollars a week.
The post says, “He was apparently never even once asked to clock in by management.” If he was never shown how to clock in, how was he supposed to know (a) how to do it, and (b) that it was even a thing he was supposed to do?
If he was there as part of a supervised work program, no way was he getting paid under the table.
I don’t know how it is in Rhode Island, but in NY the onus is on the employer to keep time records, not the employee. If the employer failed to keep accurate time records, then there is no way to disprove the employees claim and most courts would favor the employee.
I can believe it was a mistake on an organisational level, eg that the upper management didn't know, but I assume that the manager on site knew about and was just a total scumbag.
A little cilantro goes a long way.
That boy is a Sinatra. Nobody can tell me ANY different.
I'm feeling things looking at Ronan Farrow.
On the plus side: the kid probably is getting a fat settlement check, because the business owes him triple whatever it was supposed to pay him during the year. Labor law is not my area of specialty, but to my understanding (I am an attorney) employees are entitled to treble damages for any unpaid wages that the…
Wait...unpaid training periods aren’t illegal?! What psychotic legal gimcrack is used to justify that?
Not anymore... (Because I once did I am well versed in his history)
Seriously. Christ on a cracker what’s wrong with whatever district manager decided to pay him for 166 hours. The optics of this are so fucking bad, that the should have just said - you know what, we’re not sure how much he worked, so we’re going to pay him as if he worked full time for a year - 2080 hours. This is…
I thought that was pretty much agreed upon like 2 weeks after she put that book out. People pretty much ripped it's ideas to shreds as soon as it went public and it was endlessly mocked and deconstructed.
He’s demanding his entire happy career wishlist so that he can make the job worth his time, and he has a lot of exit doors if he isn’t getting his way. “You want a leader? Okay, okay, I’ll be your leader, but only if you guys metaphorically suck my dick.... you’re sick of sucking my dick now? That’s cool, guess you…
Oh, absolutely. A lot of, “Look, if you can’t do the job and put in the hours then stay home and let the men get to work. Also, get me a sammich.”
I guarantee you his job is a lot more important than my job, which he apparently doesn’t think that I deserve more than 120 hours OUT OF THE ENTIRE CALENDAR YEAR of time off to spend with my family. Fuck this guy.
Also he’s not even really talking about family time at all—he’s talking about how he doesn’t like the parts of his job that suck. He’s being a weenie about his work obligations.
Imagine the reaction if Nancy Pelosi said something like this. It’d be endless handwringing and “Can a woman be a mother and a congressperson?” on every major news network. Someone on Fox would openly suggest that this is why women should stay home.
Am I the only one who thinks Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” movement (or whatever you want to call it) is a complete crock of bullshit?
This is garbage. You have blood on your hands.