No really though, fuck off.
No really though, fuck off.
If it came off as smug, then you have an extremely pessimistic worldview. You’re assuming the worst based on basically nothing. In my opinion, it’s extremely condescending and is the very definition of “smug.” And on just about any other website, no one would have a problem with my comment. It’s not an “internet”…
I am nice to people. Significantly nicer than someone who takes a single sentence, ignores the two most critical words from it, makes a hundred unfounded assumptions about the person who wrote it, and then proceeds to be an asshole to some random person on the internet that they know nothing about. I’m sure you know…
Oh thank you so much. That really made my day. My life is much nicer now that a total stranger on the internet was a dick to me for a really stupid reason.
Holy fucking shit, what is wrong with people?? Read my replies to the other assholes in this thread before you start shitting on me.
Tone? What tone? I posted a single sentence with about as little tone as can be conveyed in twelve words and people read it like I had praised Hitler. The most ironic thing here is that I was accused of being “cynical” by people who took “AND ALSO doing a better job of taking care of your stuff” and read it as “FUCK…
Oh Jesus, fuck off you douche. I give zero shits if you of all people believe me. Also no, my first comment on this story, which I posted BEFORE replying to this thread, was very positive and affirming, but clearly your favorite thing is to go out of your way to look for things you perceive as negative so you have an…
No, actually I just got through explaining to someone else that I once left $1,000+ worth of CD’s on a plane, never to be seen from again, and that after that I have taken better care of my stuff because losing valuable shit is terrible, and that I genuinely think it’s better if people learn from stories like this…
I’m honestly baffled that anyone could find fault in what I’m saying. I didn’t disagree with the original comment, I agreed with it and simply added that another lesson that should ALSO be taken from this is “do everything you can to not lose your expensive stuff, because ultimately it’s you who suffers when YOU lose…
Oh yay, here’s this condescending douchebag shitting on people for stupid stuff again. How fun.
And also doing a better job at taking care of your stuff.
Wow, that’s awesome. Glad that whoever found it didn’t take the easy douche route and keep/sell it. As for that quiz at the end, that shit’s tough! I play my Switch constantly but I change games so frequently that I miiiight not be able to give the correct answers to “last game played” and “what game is in the…
I love how when NFL players inject politics into football, it’s all cheers and encouragement, but when this guy does the exact same thing but from the other side (and involving his own business as opposed to NFL players who have very little on the line, personally), it’s ah fuck this guy and good riddance to him and…
I don’t understand why some people think that if they don’t understand a given type of humor, that humor is invalid and doesn’t deserve to exist. Humor is subjective, guy. You don’t have to get it for someone else to think it’s funny/entertaining.
Huh? How is it any different from paying a monthly fee to subscribe to something like HBO, or Netflix, or for internet service, or a newspaper subscription, or any other thing that people pay money for but don’t explicitly need? Answer: it’s not. It’s not different at all. Your take is stupid. And I say this as…
haha, that ending really got me.
“I mean, delaying games is what Nintendo does.”
“The other part is that it’s hard to believe there’s a market for $40 phone games,”
I agree. The user reviews on Mario Run are beyond frustrating. It’s unfortunate that the shittiest aspects of mobile gaming are what makes the platform so viable, and that some of those aspects are starting to leak into the traditional video game market.
Right, the free-to-play model is bullshit and people hate it, but it generates insane revenues for these companies, so Nintendo’s shareholders and aggressive analysts at investing firms made it impossible for them to stay away from that side of the market. But that’s not really the main point of this article, I don’t…