
Fine. Just don’t come here and try to play the victim role when you aren’t one.

Nothing screams “I belong to a more intelligent race” like using your own picture on the barely-pseudonymous Twitter account you use to post white nationalist nonsense.

Because you can get fired for it

Except France does not have the same free speech laws we do.

Hey butthurt boi, it’s France and that’s how they roll over there. See, they have first hand experience with right wing extremists who kill millions and have logically concluded the extremists have NO legitimacy, no rights and not one single fucking good point.

But how do you maintain your lovely personality?

That’s because pretty every creative endeavor is a pareto distribution. The more successful you become, the more opportunities you will have to be successful. It is the same way in acting, art, music, comedy, etc.

Wrong attitude. It’s not “holes they left in”. You don’t understand how software development works. It’s not building a roof and oh whoops that tile wasn’t nailed all the way in. Bugs and security holes are discovered all the time in every piece of software you can think of.

It’s income discrimination, I’m telling you.

Too soon?

What if he did?

It looks like they’re actually paying close attention to the laws if you ask me.

Yeah but that free two day shipping with Amazon Prime.......

I don’t get why you dumb libtards try and take the things he says he’ll do and use his actual past actions to refute them.

Not even remotely surprising. He’s just like all the rest of the atheist dudebros: he uses it as a smokescreen for being abusive and selfish.

Fair, but Logan is an exception to the rule when compared to DC comics.

Modern storytelling tends to be more character-driven (which the MCU understands). DC has struggled with this because they’ve always been more about the adventures and hijinks and wow factor of a universe with these powerful beings.

And don’t be afraid to make Superman a square- that’s his charm- it’s what makes him human.

Which one do you use for making rope and weaving blankets?