
I'd love to see Trump go against it, like...physically press his body against it.

I’m kind of amazed there are actually serious responses to that post.

Sorry Poindexter. The days of scientific research being an amoral construct are over. Deal with it.


The fact that Musk is a self-absorbed, narcissistic dickhole is not related to the achievements of his companies.

That he is a self-absorbed, narcissistic dickhole might well mean he needs to be removed from the public-facing board of directors for PR issues, but no matter what he says or does, that does not

The dude may be a crazy-pants narcissist, but Tesla moved the electric car forward more in a decade than the last 100 years, and his other company builds rockets that land themselves on robot boats. Don’t pretend like he isn’t helping to shape the future of humanity. He’s just also kind of a dick, and now we know that

So there are many many layers to how shitty the Trump presidency. There’s the racism and misogyny and bigotry. There’s the damaging policies. There’s the straight up cruelty. There’s the incompetence. There’s the lies. There’s the constant attempts to undermine the institutions designed to stop the country from

Trump, the U.S. government, and police departments across our country are using the same tactics used by Hitler, the Nazi government and the police to exterminate millions of Jews, ethnic groups, religious groups, and homosexuals.

The death penalty itself is the barbaric, unpleasant thing. The closer the people who perform it are to the barbaric act and the less pleasant is is for them (because obviously they don’t care about the subject) to perform, the closer they’ll be to recognizing that it’s just wrong to do.

By “idiots” I assume you mean people who put their dogs on airplanes.  

This will make one hell of a Hollywood blockbuster.

A lot of fans are basically Gollum, if you want to mix up franchise metaphors. They love this thing that gave them so much meaning and inspiration in the past, they want more of it, but when the moment comes they hate the new thing for not giving them the same thrills the old thing gave them, and if they have any

To me, personally, TLJ was the first thing that’s actually felt like Star Wars since 1983. Not an extrapolation or an imitation or a tribute or a cash-in, but Star Wars itself.

Counterpoint dude. JJ Abrams basically aped all the story beats of the original and turned in a largely mediocre movie which was only saved by the chemistry of the fresh young leads, Adam Driver as the Anakin Skywalker we deserved, and the surprisingly emotional death of Han Solo.

This is a stupid post. Please delete it, and delete your account, and stop using the internet, and go somewhere to think about your life.

Your comment isn't going well either.

Billy Dee Williams was already famous. So were Ewan McGreggor, Samual L Jackson, Christopher Lee, James Earl Jones, Peter Cushing and a few others.

It’s in a thread about a movie people spend an astonishing amount of emotional energy arguing about that came out when Jimmy Carter was president, so you’re not out of place.

I don’t understand how people keep doing this and not think about it might ruin their lives.

Nothing on a conceptual level. They are, in many cases, necessary and beneficial. Their JS can double as a tracking mechanism, though, so I only accept it through NoScript if it’s mandatory or if I tend to “trust” the provider.

I don’t know anyone who gives money to Amazon. Lots of people EXCHANGE money for goods and services but that’s not what GIVE means.