
Something that will snap you out of it is realizing that all solar system planets fit between Earth and the Moon with some room to spare for Pluto.


Wow, that’s some serious Apple vs. Microsoft flame bait! I totally used to get into those kinds of arguments on the internet!

In 1998.

Or you could just buy a USB-c to USB-b cable and continue on your merry way.

There’s a cynical part of me that keeps thinking “Why is this guy an asshole?”

Oh so Twitter on Sunday is always just Game of Thrones spoilers? Now I don’t get to look forward to seeing what Twitter on Sunday is gonna be like. Thanks for spoiling Twitter for me, dick.

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

There’s a reason Mt. Everest has never declared war on Russia......

Oh yes. I know they say “don’t feed the trolls” but sometimes, you just want to force feed them until they explode. Plus, while I was doing all of that, I could tenuously justify not doing anything actually important.

“Stop acting as if Silicon Valley companies are modern day plantations”

Still being wasted on the young, I see.

Is it really that big of a deal?

What the fuck did you think it would be? Good thing you left they fired you because apparently you were too incompetent to understand your responsibilities.

I’ve never bought the theory that “fan” is short for “fanatic.” Generally when we abbreviate words like that, we pick the stressed syllable — for instance, “refrigerator” becomes “fridge” or “cartoon” becomes “toon.” So “fanatic” would be more likely to get shortened to “nat.”

They didn’t shut down their Mac department or move those people to iOS development.

White men getting offended over other people getting offended is the most pussy shit of all. Just fucking get over it.

That’s edgy stuff! Wishing death on an elderly man— actually, an elderly genius— but your tough guy facade goes out the window the minute you demand counseling at your university because somebody wrote “Trump” in chalk. A millennial pretending to be edgy is fucking laughable. I could bring you to the verge of cutting