
The correct answer will always be Graham Hill. He could be an actor, painter, or magician. It doesn’t matter. It’s glorious:

Can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m with the airlines on this one. While there have been times where I wasn’t sure which of multiple flights I’ve wanted to take, I’d much rather give up the ability for anyone to book “duplicate flights” than to have a ton of people holding seats they’re never going to fill. I

Isn’t letting him know in advance, telling him to take off his headphones, and whatever ‘precautions’ against outburst... just sort of condescending and offensive? They were asked not to play the interview, and they said that they would play the clip regardless, and Driver still took the interview to try and get

I don’t think this makes Adam Driver a bad person or a diva. But it was unprofessional behavior. Most of us would not be able to get away with that kind of behavior in our own workplaces and it’s strange to see so many people taking up for this rich and privileged person behaving in a way that we would not even if we

i don’t think it makes a difference. if i’m sensitive about something and professionally say don’t bring it up in a national’s a massive jerk move to do so. need to promote the film? play a clip without him. it’s not like he’s booking interviews and then no-showing.

Trump is a fucking loser. He’s bullying a 16 year old and his worthless wife, another liar who says she’s against bullying, doesn’t do a thing.

Well they can try talking to Pennsylvanians and not ignoring all but the rich ones like Hillary did to start with.

It’s time to forgive Charles for his love for a woman his mother wouldn’t let him marry. We all loved Diana, but that relationship they were both forced into was destined to be a failure from the start. The real villain is not Charles, it’s the people who decided that they could impose an arranged royal marriage and

I wish there were more Shakespearean antics in the Royal household.  Drownings in malmsey wine.  Vengeful schemes that ruin entire families.  

Wait, Kid Rock has a restaurant? What’s its motto, “We never wash our hands”?

This would make me laugh or at least giggle. Farts are funny! Also coming from someone like him makes it all the more funny.

If you think about what we owe to each other, then it’s only ethical that you allow that person to eat your dick. 

it’s the alcoholism

I mean now that he’s been deposed shouldn’t he be stripped of his ‘Papa’ title? This is just John. Poor, sad, greasy, oh-so-greasy John. 

By day of reckoning, he was referring to the havoc he would unleash upon the toilet into which he’s going to shit all those pizzas.  

The same people that turn read receipts on and demand an acknowledgment to every e-mail they send.

Screw this.  If k or ok does the job that is what I am using.  If you can’t handle it.....too bad.

Did I just slip into an alternate universe? Is this real?

Williams’ alleged killer is the son of a law enforcement officer. The 18-year old was arrested at least once for possessing alcohol and brass knuckles.