Among tomorrow’s Trump Toilet Tweets:
Among tomorrow’s Trump Toilet Tweets:
Shame on you for coming to Kotaku and sharing your opinion on what you’d like a game to be.
Howard does say you’re the first person out of the vault...wouldn’t it be difficult for an online multiplayer game to have everyone start out in the exact same place? Haven’t played ESO so no idea how they did it.
My grandmother died in 2003 at the age of 100. I sometimes wonder how she would have reacted if I told her people were choosing not to vaccinate their kids against polio. I can see the puzzled look on her face in my mind as she thinks she must have misunderstood me.
your negative comments are not going influence my choices - actual research and educating myself will
“Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon, you know, ‘cause I’ve worked in a lot of [medical] offices and I tell you people do that all the time.”
Such an alpha male.
“Clearly, the abortion pill I slipped in her food has done its work.”
holding staff mtgs on initiatives/long-term planning.
See, political correctness only applies when it comes to protecting right-wing speech - you can’t criticize what they say because it’s a violation of their rights or whatever. They need safe spaces to say what they want without any responses or repercussions - only agreement and applause is acceptable.
audio is decent
After Roseanne insisted that people not defend her, she’s done little but retweet people defending her.
I see, it’s a thing that happened, not something she did. She was asked and gave her opinion.
The Citadel computer in Fallout 3 has Vault 76 in a section called “DC Area Vault Listings.”
There’s a small privacy screen that pulls up around it, but that’s it.
I remember Limbaugh’s TV show saying something about there being a White House dog - then putting up her photo.
What’s left of her soul was trying to escape.
On April 20, 2011, Melania appeared on the Joy Behar Show and backed up her husband’s allegations that Obama wasn’t born in the state of Hawaii like live birth records suggest.
Currently in your grocery store checkout aisle: Joanna Gaines wants to make sure you know she’s pregnant.