
The issue with moving here is supply chain. Since all the major companies manufacture in China, they have the the entire system to get what you need and get it fast, including supplies and a skilled labor force. Moving to the US would require a lot more than just having paying for better salaries and employee

I would imagine that the store manager can be depended on to forward it to corporate.

Oh lord, I'm accused of ruining fun, the worst possible thing.

I'm glad that Jaffe came around. We can all be thoughtless on occasion. Decency doesn't come from being infallible, it comes from respect, compassion, and a willingness to recognize mistakes.

Did you actually look for any articles by women on this site before you make that absurd generalization? You clearly haven't been paying much attention.

Not once did she attack his character. She went out of her way to point out that she was criticizing Jaffe's statement, not him as a person.

At least it's getting the attention it deserves now, it looks like it was already selected as the App Store's game of the week.

I don't mind DLC in general. If they are charging for costumes, great, because I won't buy them and I won't miss them. If they are charging for content additions, great, if they look like they are worth the money, I will buy them.

Since when is holding someone accountable for what they say an attack? Katie Cox did not call Jaffe a misogynist, she called out what he said as a misogynistic statement. No one is accusing him of being intentionally misogynistic or hating women, the point is calling out unintentional, thoughtless misogyny, which is a

Jaffe - It's sad that even some of the biggest, most respected names in this industry still act like juveniles. Grow up. You are a public representative of a major business. Stop acting like you're in the living room taking with your bros.

Calling one person out for a statement that they made is not stereotyping anything. The knee-jerk reaction of people to rush to the defense of him in the name of all gaming culture is stereotyping.

Gaming in a bedroom is another story all together. That clears things up.

I thought the same thing...

Sounds like it's a really expensive way to go if you already have a decent living room setup. I saw that other people recommended the poang chair from Ikea. I agree with that completely. It's super light and easy to move close to the TV, supportive, comfortable and a lot less ugly than a bean bag. It's also fairly

I played the demo level yesterday. It looks like a really direct port of the DS version. It doesn't even look like they upscaled the resolution except for the non-moving 'big' characters (I don't know what you call them). There's a bar on the right that I assume is there to maintain the same screen proportion as the

I don't mind the iPad resolution. At the distance I hold it, it always looks good to me. Also, a retina display would put a much higher graphical demand on the hardware, and I'd rather have the computing power go towards the games themselves.

I was going to write my own comment, but I will instead reply to yours in support of terrible math jokes.

I have yet to get to this game even though I intended to buy it. This is much better. It's cheaper, better resolution, and more convenient. win-win-win

The trend towards online passes doesn't overly concern me. I do sell some of my games used (directly to other gamers), but they are generally old games that I have no interest in so I don't make much on those anyway.

Conference calls from the bathroom? Yup. It not worth butting into a meeting that you're barely participating in to announce that you are taking a restroom break.