
This person does not speak for me.

"Amateur Linguists Daily."

There's a difference between privately disagreeing with someone's behavior and publicly slinging insults.

Non-discriminatory curse words are completely different than slurs.

I was referring to the single player campaign, which I finished before playing the co-op.

The only time that I felt that my lack of understanding how something worked prevented me from solving a puzzle was realizing how the repulsion gel works on a vertical surface. Portal is in the class of physics-based puzzles, and understanding certain physical concepts like conservation of momentum comes into play a

Foxconn must be the best alternative these people feel they have, or they would quit rather than commit suicide. I would imagine that everyone at the factory realizes that previous suicides made worldwide headlines. The question is, did they threaten suicide because conditions are so miserable that they prefer death

You do feel entitled. Your reasoning for what is a "better solution" has nothing to do with what will be most effective for addressing the issue, it is a "better solution" because it doesn't affect you.

I did not say that being buxom and fit are mutually exclusive, I said that it is not the ideal body type for those activities, meaning that typical or realistic physiques had nothing to do with those character designs. I also said that cleavage on athletes is covered and supported. I assume your wife didn't play her

Not once does the author imply that women want to see more ugly characters. The point is that while both genders are idealized in gaming culture, both genders are exaggerated in a way intended to appeal to men. The point is that if there was an actual balance in that male characters were designed primarily to be

I'm a huge Kate Beaton fan, so I feel compelled to cite the gif:

The idea of keeping everything that exists the way it is and just adding to it doesn't make practical sense. That would be like someone telling a group who feels under-represented in movies to go find a new Hollywood. Your attitude indicates that not you not only recognize that existing game studios almost exclusively

"I dont play video games for reflection of real life. I play to get away from real life."

The article never asserts that the characters that women are attracted to aren't as idealized as the characters that men are attracted to, the point that the article is making is that the characters that appear in games, whether make or female, are overwhelmingly designed to appeal to men, and often done so in that

Steam is a good service, but it's a closed service controlled by a single company. Since when is complete market dominance a good thing?

Did anyone else look at that artwork and think WTF?

There aren't that many games that I know I will buy, but there are a bunch I'm interested in:

The author didn't say that he got a Wii because it was the cheapest, he said he could only afford one console and the Wii was his top preference.

I only owned Nintendo consoles until after I graduated college and got a decent-paying job, which was during the current generation of consoles.

The iPad screen is made of tempered glass. Cat nails have no effect.