
I've actually thought about this "rule of threes" before regarding game sequels. Most promising new IPs that come out have at least a few flaws that prevent them from being truly great, so a sequel is an opportunity for the developers to respond to feedback and iron out the biggest flaws to result in something that is

These articles immediately came to mind because they were so personal:

There's a game that my cat plays on my iPad. It's hilarious!

I don't know. I definitely see how telling him after the relationship is over is selfish in that it seems like unnecessary pain, but I can still see why there would be decent reasons to do it.

Have you considered that you may not realize when female game journalists are writing non-sexual articles precisely because their gender is not mentioned?

I don't have MK7 yet, but when I get it (hopefully soon) I'll definitely be up for a race!

Holy crap that thing is huge! The 3DS is dwarfed.

Yes. It works great with the new update. No need to drain controller batteries. No accidentally hitting buttons setting it down. I love it.

I'm in the same boat. I'm excited that a game I'm actually playing was picked for Game Club, but I doubt I will be able to keep up with the schedule, especially for tomorrow.

Charming puzzle platformer with gorgeous art? I'm sold.

Oh good, I'm glad they made the codes easy to remember this time.

The community options are really cool but it's mind-boggling that they don't have "no blue shells" as one of the options. Considering it is the single most controversial aspect of the series, why not let people play without them if they choose to? Are they worried it will make the game too good?

I haven't played it yet, but that seems like it could be an improvement. At least it helps the person throwing the shell. In other versions, all the blue shell did was help the person in second or third place take first while making absolutely no difference to the person in 8th place actually throwing the shell.

"Piracy does not lead to lost sales" I cannot fathom how anyone can just think that.

I'm sure the record-breaking console sales also played a role in limiting game budgets. I easily spent more on gaming in November that in the rest of 2011 combined, but there are still many games from this fall on my wish list.

This study based on actual research is completely wrong because it contradicts my intuitive conclusions that I've derived using no actual data!

This is absolutely true. I discovered one of my all-time favorite authors, Lois McMaster Bujold because she allows people to download some of her books for free. I've bought all her other books. I also recommend her to everybody.

Thanks for the good discussion - and reading my overly wordy posts (It's a problem I have) :)

There's a lot of skill in Magic, but it often feels like level of competitiveness comes down to how much money you are willing to spend and time you are willing to dedicate. Deckbuilding games level the playing field and are generally a better option for people who want a more casual experience.

"I'm sure there are a lot of people that fit the acronym that aren't so focused on their sexuality that they actually feel excluded by the majority of the content on the site... Downright vilified we straight white males are when it comes to appeasing our own appetite for sexuality"