
I need to get a Samsung phone to let everyone know that I don't care about image.

I think "perfect scores" is a big misleading and highlights the problem with taking the adjusted Metacritic scores too literally.

The $70 golden remote bundle might be in short supply. It looks like they're already out of copies to pre-order on Amazon.

I recently noticed the ringtones and alert tones in the itunes store and I thought, you pay the price of a full song for a 30 second clip? What a ripoff! Then I thought, yeah I'd pay a buck not to go through the hassle of making a ringtone.

I'm sure they've implemented it and tested on a prototype. The point of patents is to protect your ideas from being stolen. Obviously if you wait until after the product is brought to market, it's not longer a secret and can be stolen.

I'm so excited about this game that I almost don't want it to come out yet, so that I can keep feeling that anticipation.

I'm sure they don't know yet. They're doing the opposite Sony did which is to release info as they know it rather than keeping everyone in the dark until they have all the answers.

What does hashed and salted mean anyway? It sounds like they're talking about making breakfast.

The Fairtax idea is interesting. I would have to do a lot more research to come to any conclusions, but here are some concerns that jumped out at me:

Giving a faulty price? It's what I paid. It's real money that left my wallet. All that together might add up to "more functionality" but the very fact that I have all that "extra functionality" and use it far less was the entire point. With all that extra money that I spent getting all that stuff, I still turn it on

I'm comparing money to money. It's what I personally paid. I should have made that point clear. However, I bought the two systems within a year of each other so even though it might look like I'm comparing launch prices to today's prices, they actually aren't that far apart on the timeline.

The prices are listed for what I paid, not what they are today or when the consoles came out. It's not a "spin", it's the amount of money that left my wallet.

I wasn't saying that this is everyone's experience, only mine. I listed the prices at what I paid, not at what they are now. I was saying why I personally feel that way about Nintendo, not that others should also feel that way.

"There are some valid reasons regarding their online practices and they're recent 3DS debacle"

If this thing is anything like their toughbooks, I think it would hold up long term better than a case.

"Keep in mind you will only get that if there are a few decent painting apps. Or Photoshop. CS5."

"And when did this become about responsibility?"

"are you expecting us not to do that any more? is it that fucking serious?"

"i was just putting it in context that this technically isn't a work environment, other wise it'd be sexual harassment."

Clearly, some text got dropped when I wrote this initial comment. It was supposed to say: