
@Grimwolf: Well, the bad apples always stand out. Just like most people on Xbox live aren't a 12 year-olds using homophobic and racists slurs.

@PoweredByHentai: First off, check dates before you call someone out for repeating information. My comment was posted before that article.

My trophies definitely aren't a good indication of my favorite games. First off, I play a lot of games that I don't finish. It's not that I don't like them, but that my gaming time is limited and I want to try a lot of different games. Even though going after trophies is tempting, playing for a trophy usually makes

In college, my roommate was not someone who played videogames. I had a SNES and Gamecube in my dorm and I considered myself a pretty big Nintendo fan, especially the Zelda and Mario games. One time I came home and found her well into the original Zelda (I had a Zelda compilation disk for the Gamecube). I couldn't

@Lyokowarirtitan: Uncharted is nothing like Mirror's Edge. Both games are great though.

The fact of the matter is, if Gamestop was so terrible for the industry, then game publishers would do all in their power to discourage people from shopping there. Does this happen? No. In fact, most publishers encourage shopping at Gamestop with pre-order bonuses because bottom-line, they sell a lot of games there.

@Grimwolf: "I've minced words with them if they're loud and obnoxious as most girls tend to act"

Why isn't Sony just making this their new phone? The 3G will apparently be optional and probably require some sort of data plan with a cell phone company. So, have one version that's a phone and one that isn't. Let me sign up for a 2-year contract to save a bunch of money on the price if I want. Yes, it's very large

@Weezle41: I didn't even realize 999 had come out. I've played 2 Professor Layton games and enjoyed them both, though I spent most of the time in between puzzles just wishing they would get on with it. From the reviews I've seen, 999 looks to have a fairly sophisticated, compelling story. So that looks more

@sonicblastoise: I have walked with my ipod and I've played a game with music or a show in the background, etc. However, I don't do that with my favorite shows, games, books or places to walk. If something is truly excellent, then it compels me to give it my full attention. This article is a discussion about choosing

@sonicblastoise: I think you misunderstand me. My statement about the actors wasn't to say that games don't deserve excellent actors, it was that those actors are just doing scenes like a movie. I believe that games have the potential to be the most compelling storytelling medium out there, but most games that can

@Amoliski: I did play it from the beginning. It was on my friend's console but I started my own game. At first, I thought that maybe it would get better once I got through all the intro stuff, but after I got to the point where I was "free", I realized that everything I could possibly do required a very long, boring

I played this at a friend's for a couple hours and felt like I did nothing but battle boredom while getting from point A to point B and watching them talk. If I want to enjoy traveling through wide open spaces, I will go outside and go for a walk. If I want to see good actors act out a bunch of scenes, I'll watch a

Now that the Verizon iPhone has been announced, this is going to have to wait a while.

@Oibotic: In my experience, looks aren't usually hostel, they are often simply curious. If you assume that people have a problem with you, then you're judging too.

@foreu2env: There's no way Apple would agree to Verizon not allowing their apps to run.

@DrakeDatsun: Steamplay makes a little more sense though, because PC and Macs are basically interchangeable in terms of normal use with most people using one or the other most of the time. So, it's basically to prevent you from getting ripped off if your primary operating system changes.

I would seriously be interested in this if they managed to make it a good price (which seems questionable considering the LCD keyboard). However, I just can't picture someone gaming with the touch screen and keyboard at the same time, and what's the point of the touch screen if you have to haul a mouse around anyway?

@Seraphna: I'm not sure about that. On the DS is works because most of the action takes place on the top screen, but the touch screen is the lower screen. The iphone is small and flat, so everything is easy to hold and reach. In this case using the touch controls would mean blocking part of the screen and it would be

My real problem is books and DVDs. My partner and I have a wall with 5 full-height Ikea bookshelves packed with media. The DVDs are stacked vertically to literally fill the entire shelves and the paperbacks are stacked double-deep so you can't even see half of them. Only 2 shelves have video games. We've already made