
@maddog050: How about understanding quality of life for sick kids?

Does anyone know exactly what the differences are between using this vs a regular bluetooth with the PS3?

@Omnimon: I've played AC1 and I have AC2 but I haven't started it yet.

@xfelixmorganx: The biggest reason I resist is because I don't have enough time to play half of what I want on the PS3 and Wii, so it seems ridiculous to get another console to add to the backlog, but the XBLA games look so fantastic.

@(Zombie) WDYC: MacRumors is a good resource for purchase/wait decisions on Apple products. They track how often product are updated and how far into the "cycle" the current generation is.

@Firescorpio1: That happens to me a lot. At work I can't wait to get home and play videogames, but by the time the evening rolls around, I often end up choosing to do other things instead. The mood to play strikes in waves where I will play a lot for a couple of weeks and then barely play at all for a couple of weeks.

I swear every time I feel like the voice of reason has triumphed and I've successfully talked myself out of needed a 360, some XBLA game makes me question whether to spend $300 all over again.

@Diamond Sea: You can buy PSN games on amazon and give them the game code, but Amazon doesn't keep up with the PSN sales so it would still be $15.

@Demonbird: I agree with you on the motion controls issue. The controls didn't stop me from playing NSMB, but it did stop me from loving it. It's one thing to die a lot because something is hard, but it's something else entirely to die because the controls don't work the way you want them to at key moments.

@mightybuck: If you have a Wii, then I would just pay the $8 and download the original DKC. It's utterly fantastic.

@Cygnus_Mal: I certainly don't intend to be disrespectful to those people who lost loved ones. I understand the reasons why the topic is so sensitive. What I was referring to is how videogames are perceived as a medium. It's not uncommon or considered distasteful for actors or characters in a book to represent real

Assuming that anyone who buys hardware would spend $50 on games anyway, you effectively get hardware that will play AAA games for the cost of a console controller. That's a really good deal for someone who hasn't already purchased a 360 or PS3. Of course, most people who pay $50+ for internet every month would have

Wow. This sounds great. Having to download a whole movie just to rent it seemed ridiculous, but I might actually use this.

@freethegoldfish: It's because the controversy is founded in ignorance. Many people assume that games are just toys and that the fact that it involves a sensitive contemporary topic must mean that it's automatically in bad taste.

@Adrian Iorga: really? I didn't realize that. I guess it still feels more fresh than the other choices, but maybe that's just because their predecessors were more recent. I guess I don't care who wins GOTY.

I tend to favor innovation over other factors when choosing who I think deserves awards. Here are the ones I'm rooting for:

My cat completely ignores regular TV, but likes watching video games, especially brightly colored ones. It's so cute! Though sometimes he gets so interested that he jumps up and stands right in front of the TV to get a closer look.

@Gameslaya: You can be feminine and be a badass, but Team Ninja missed that mark completely.

I think this is actually a great idea. Even though I play a decent number of single-player FPS games, I'm completely terrible at multiplayer. When I attempt to play, I get killed so fast that I feel like I'm not learning anything, just getting frustrated.