
Yesterday on my walk to lunch, I got stopped by 3 greenpeace people soliciting donations within about 2 blocks of each other. Ug.

@hybrid92: That's never happened to me. Competitive play can be fun, but not if the other person can't handle losing. I would tell that person to stick to online matches.

Heads up on a great deal if you haven't already gotten Super Mario Galaxy 2. The coupons codes GS20 and SAVER will get you 20% off and free shipping PLUS they are offering $20 in credit (Gamestop online store).

@kagekiri: Thanks for the info. I like the dual shock, so it sounds like the pro would work well for me.

@kagekiri: That would be awesome.

@Chickloaf: It's pretty cool. I hate for making calls, but it's great for everything else. I can't wait for flash support. Apparently Kongregate has already developed a mobile version of it's site. So much free gaming!

@AntiPoop: I didn't know that, though I like that you don't have to jailbreak Android since that makes me nervous.

@PS1: You should definitely play Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros 3, because they are awesome.

@Tyrunn: Super Nintendo when I was 9 years old.

@jayunreal: That's got to suck, but it's not unpredictable. There are only a handful of franchises that maintain their release price 3-6 months down the line, and none of them come from Ubisoft.

Now playing

This is what I use on my droid. I'll take a real controller over a virtual one any day.

Super Mario World

@Tevor_the_Third: Buying new is not always the issue. I buy all my games new, except for older titles that are no longer available. However, if I don't particularly like a game, I will sell it. Often, I will take a chance on a game because I know that if I fon't like it, I will sell it.

@Tyrunn: My family has had computers for as long as I can remember. The first one had one of those yellow and black screens. I used to "play" on it by making little icons were you had to click and un-click each pixel. It used the 5-inch floppy disks.

@kiddicus: You did commit to the wedding first, and whether you go really has nothing to do with who is getting married, but with supporting your wife. To her, it probably feels like you want to choose spedning time with your friends over her.

@Rampage: Absolutely. There are many times when I look forward to gaming all day, and then when it actually comes time to do it, I'm not in the mood.

@Setzer IIDX: "Mario Kart....euch. It rewards failure with bullet bill. Bah."

With the internet, the only advantage to buying a guide is to have the physical copy, which can be nice for large fold-out maps or long indexes. I can't imagine why anyone would pay $20 for a digital guide.

If they maintain their current services for free, I have no problem with this. In fact, depending on the perks, I might consider paying. I don't really want free PSN games since my choices would be limited. I think I would rather pay less for the subscription and then use the money I saved towards PSN games of my