
@legendnthemaking: It's definitely worth the cheap price it's going for now.

@Wizard: I think that a lot of people were expecting a more open world game based on the hype, and that's part of the reason so many people were disappointed.

@Saudrapsmann: If it helps, I could be completely wrong.

I would never buy a TV that required me to sit in a perfect vertical orientation to view it correctly. I like to relax when I watch TV and sometimes I lie down.

@Saudrapsmann: While I was researching for my TV. I've read that only high-end regular HDTVs will be able to display 3D because it will require a very high refresh rate (200+Hz).

@Covertghost: I hate invisible walls! I will add to that invisible boundaries that kill you.

@Komrade Kayce: Make him a QA Tester in Ubisoft's casual games division.

@Pheermee: "Cinematic" is a vague term, so my opinion depends on how it is executed.

@vitiumcloud: I wish someone had come out with a normal guide. There's a lot of depth in Demon's Souls and I often end up more confused than I start when I'm trying to find basic information.

@metalcaveman: The short version is Lent is a Christian tradition where people give up something that is important to them for the 40 days before Easter.

@tnmnsquare: Keep in mind, people living in apartments don't have garages or basements to work on stuff. It's not very fun trying to work on a project with sawdust flying everywhere in the middle of a living room or in a bedroom. There's also the issue of where to store the tools and where to leave the project

@Sir-Lucius does anything for Dethklok: The idea of removing personal bias from a review is absurd. They are subjective and biased by definition. The criteria that critics choose to judge their games by may differ, for example one critic may focus on how "fun" something is, while another may focus on design or

@Rockopotamus: You've described every experience that I've ever had with Sonic. I am curious why it is so universally loved when it seems like every element is designed to prevent you from taking advantage of its main strength (the speed).

@Sir-Lucius does anything for Dethklok: It's not a critic's job to determine who will find a game appealing, it's their job to write their personal perspective and why they feel the way they do. That way, the readers are able to interpret their opinions. A critic cannot say, I did not enjoy this, but I would have if I

@iTravis: I think you are overthinking it. You haven't even met the person yet, who knows if you will hit it off? It's a bit premature to be deciding on a committed relationship. Go have a good time.

@MrZurkon: I definitely understand that some people prefer having cases, and I could also understand that price difference for disc-based games. However, cartridge-based games are usually resold without the case. Take Scribblenauts for example (if you go into the selling screen and look at prices), if a game is worth

@smirnoffski: True, but there are many people who use don't use Gamestop and may find this website to be a better tool than what they've used before, or there may be people who currently go to Gamestop who may be interested in trying this out because of it more convenient than the other alternatives that they've tried

Overall, this site looks awesome. Thanks for the heads up.