
@baileyfwright: I sometimes will try to keep myself up while reading, but the result is that I usually fall asleep anyway and wake up with the book sprawled somewhere in my bed.

@TrjnRabbit: It seems like more and more, the first game of a series is becoming sort of an extended beta to the second game in the series. I guess games are so large and complex now that they need the feedback to really do it "right".

@baileyf: Read a classic book for free:

@magnakaiser: I think that sounds very interesting. I would read it.

@Mike8813: I didn't watch the god of war demo, but I would probably feel the same way. I prefer unrealistic gore, like in Borderlands when you run someone over and it makes a little bug-squishing sound as they turn into a blood cloud. It's absurd. Conversely, seeing a character fall and die in a mangled position

@XODIS: I agree with Fallout. I think they do a great job with guiding on missions so that you don't need outside reference material, but I did use a guide after I completed all the missions that I had to 1. make sure that I had found all of the missions and 2. find all the bobbleheads. Half the bobbleheads are in

I really like the idea of high-end third-party controllers. If you don't like the regular controller, it seems like your only other options are cheap knock-offs.

This is really disgusting, but honestly, I don't understand why someone would fight to work for these types of people. I think it's better to be upfront about your opinions. If they are going to fire you for it, then you are better off having nothing to do with them. Spend the 6 months of unemployment working on your

I think they should use the same ratings as they do for movies. They aren't better or worse, but they are universally recognized. If there's a commercial for a game and it says "Rated R", everyone knows what that means.

@Cloral: I play PS3 so it's trophies for me, but I agree completely with this. It bothers me when there's a trophy that can only be done in one specific location that no one would ever think to do unless they were going after a trophy.

@CNSTcasualty: I'm talking about marketing, not laws. See my response to EveryoneNobody. My last response to your comment was just to say that it being legal has nothing to do with whether people like it or not.

@EveryoneNobody: Race is a different thing completely. I'm not going there.

@Cragen: That actually made it look fun. When I play "racing sims" I just feel frustration.

@Rampage: I like reading strategy sections of guides/walkthroughs for epic RPGs that I know I will be playing for 100 hours or more. I hate being 30 hours in to a game only to realize that I didn't know something that either would have made my character better or would have cut down on the grinding. For example, I

@CNSTcasualty: Smoking's a choice. It's legal to do a lot of things, but if you choose to do things that bother people, they don't want you around.

@t0ddd: I'm not arguing that it's not an opinion. I'm saying that it would bother me if a significant number of people held that opinion about me, and I think that it would bother a lot of other young people too.

@t0ddd: Opinion for sure, but it's an opinion shared by many people and I personally wouldn't want to go around with a lot of people thinking I smell bad. Even if only 20% of the people I meet think I reek, it would bother me. I think it would bother a lot of young people more than the threat of potential illnesses

@Stymie99: That's what I was wondering. This could be sweet if you could have a bunch of friends "come over" to your arcade and it would let you set up tournaments and keep track of high scores, but it wouldn't be worth it if everyone had to own their own copy or pay to play.

If the media hub will allow the PS3 to be controlled by a universal remote, then I'm definitely getting it and consolidating my remotes.

@Slagathorian: Schlumberger tried to recruit me out of college. Even thought I was really worried about finding a job, I passed on them when they asked me the question "Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?"