Somewhere out there, E.L. James just preordered this and opened a new Word doc.
Because of ratings, capitalism and our national affinity for train wrecks, FYI’s Married At First Sight is back for…
The bread-baking thing makes my skin crawl. It’s so bizarrely out-of-line, worse than just dismissing it entirely, because it imposes an obligation on her to have a continued relationship with him. I guess they’re really old-school there; I suppose if he’d raped her, they’d make her marry him?
Or Department of Transportation.
I genuinely think Hillary Clinton is awesome. (So do all my friends.) The New York Times isn’t focused on us deeply pro-Hillary young-ins. So they never call? I love Jez. Love love love. But throughout the primaries, it was tough to call this Bernie blowjob home.
I see your point. This is oddly thrilling. I feel like I won something just for watching.
There is only one team in the North and its name is Valor!!!
I decided to choose a “set it and forget it” investing strategy, since I was intimidated by that part of money. I went with Betterment which has low cost index funds. Vanguard and a few others are good as well.
She’s from Australia. I would fuck her. As I said she is from Australia and you have to think about what that means: she is Australian. I would, in fact, fuck her.
Uhhhhhh. Sounds like he knows whats up.
Good for her for speaking out. I’m sure plenty of people will shit on her because she’s a Republican, but that doesn’t mean she deserves to be sexually assaulted. I hope this sets a precedent for republican’s that they’re not protected from suits like this from their “own”.
Why do I feel like he randomly pulled Audrey’s name out of a hat as a reference. She seems more Veronica Lake/Jayne Mansfield or something, because she’s vampy and lush.
“Was it hard to “do it”?” I whispered gently salivating into my children’s portioned French toast.
one of Scorsese’s women
In the past he’s been quoted as saying you should treat the woman you love like she’s amazing. She def has always been into PDA. Maybe he’s super into her and giving her what she likes in a super over the top way?
As the story notes, it is a tactic to keep the plaintiffs from appealing. I see it all the time. The plaintiffs will agree to not appeal, and the claim for fees and costs will be dismissed. And, yeah, you should if you are out 700K for a frivolous claim. I see people all the time bitch about what a sue-happy society…
You’ve got people being confused by it, people not being confused by it on the grounds that both Swift and Hiddles are needy dorks, Hiddleston fans losing their shit, Swift fans planning the wedding, people accusing Swift of cheating, people accusing Hiddles of just dating Swift because he wants PR to be cast as Bond,…
I sorta feel like unless you’re Toby Ziegler, you don’t get to use phrases like “New York Jew.”