
I would be interested and willing to revisit my opinion if anybody could clarify the male/female ratio of those fired with the male/female ratio of the company as a whole. In the San Jose Mercury News article linked above it says:

Gotcha! That makes more sense- but IMO hardly establishes Melissa Mayer as an orchestrator of gender discrimination. Management make-up from department to department can vary wildly...the 24-25% increase among female management across all of Yahoo is more indicative of a shift, but again, that increase still wasn’t

This report (linked below) seems to dispute his 80% claim...unless he was talking about one specific department (like, possibly the one he worked in?)...but by looking at these numbers, there is still a heavy gender imbalance (favoring men) in executive/manager positions. Looks like Yahoo is just trying to course

I work in the television business in the Twin Cities- C.J. is a gossipy judgemental be-otch- no one is surprised by this outburst. A few years ago, she even slut-shamed a newly hired anchor at the CBS Minneapolis affiliate.… She needs to grow the fuck up.

Thank you for brining that into my life. AHHHHHH!!!

Hey lipstick was sooooooo amazing.

Bring back the COTD!!! ;) I come here JUST to read that.

That’s what I was thinking...when someone says you really should automatically and reflexively say, “..and then Mike Pence is President. So you are voting for Mike Pence now?”

I read this and started crying laughing at my desk...and then make-up got in my eye and I started crying from pain. Bless you.

God I am so inappropriately invested in this.

Scary. But not as scary as the “Zika Active Pregnancy Surveillance System” - that is a mouthful.

Ahhh ur gif!

My brother describes Jai Courtney as the poor man’s Sam Worthington, who, in turn, is the poor man’s Tom Hardy. Perfect description.

I agree with this article...but I think the biggest piece it is leaving out is that educated millennial women are doing this because they realize how bullshit the employer to employee relationship has become for a lot of jobs. Quite frankly, this article could have been written about me. I’m 26 and looking for a more

This is the best gif. Period.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who saw a Buffy villain. Although, I was thinking this one:

Holy shit... $10.50 is the average price of a manicure in Manhattan? Who wouldn’t guess that they are being underpaid, that is basically nothing.


This is some Julie Cooper shit.

I agree. And there is definitely a difference between pretty lace AND fugly lace doily pattern. Also I bet she paid a fuckload for them, so there is that. #teamdoilylady