It's Annie(like the orphan)

The trailer for this showed up in my Hulu recommendations over the summer and I ignored it because, not being a Stephen King fan, I 100% thought it was a webisode series recapping Game of Thrones. I mean, look at the title card (I think they’ve since changed it)!

Maybe it because most of my career has been in digital marketing and I’m desensitized, but I already assume that digital privacy is a non existent thing...and I don’t really care.

No, Dusty, your shitty behavior put you on display, not John Oliver.

But it’s not clear. The fact that it’s a tattoo instead of a legal document muddies the waters pretty badly. The article even references a patient with another DNR tattoo that just assumed everyone would know it was a joke.

Good god, he’s like a cartoon villain.

I second the Unisom reco! My mom is a midwife and that half a Unisom/vitamin B combo is what they give women with serious morning sickness. It’s also a life saver for us non pregnant ladies who get random bouts of serious nausea.

For clarity’s sake, Netflix didn’t fire Spacey, they gave the production company an ultimatum - “fire Spacey or your show is cancelled.” Does anybody know what the production company ultimately decided to do?

Did you just call children a “marginalized group”?

Needs ways more stars. This is the best.

Have you seen “The Orphanage”? It’s a horror movie from Spain. I have a very high tolerance for scary, but that movie seriously creeped me out. “It Follows” is good too, it’s got a few good jump scares, but the overall sense of impending doom is what gets me.

I’d forgotten that! I think I was in HS at the time. Those were dark days indeed.

I just finished rewatching Community and wondered the same thing. I might be off base, but the Rick and Morty fandom seems to be mostly dudes and I wonder if that’s a factor?

Jesus, I’ve seen this video posted a few times before but this was the first time I watched. Ugh, that poor woman.

Jesus, I’ve seen this video posted a few times before but this was the first time I watched. Ugh, that poor woman.

In all fairness, we don’t have a Dunkin in the Palisades. You have to schlep over to Santa Monica to find one.

I did appreciate that they called out their age difference in the movie; Ed Harris says something like “I thought she was your daughter.” That seems better than just pretending it’s a non-event.

It’s ‘cause they prayed!

I legit thought that Amber Rose was Vanessa Minillo

Good for him for getting help but it sounds like he only stayed 30 days. That, most likely, is not enough.

I started with Sandman but while I was reading those I also read Fragile Things, which is short stories. Sometimes the shorter stories are a good way to start before diving into something longer (as someone up thread also pointed out).