
As I was reading this article, I had a vision of what it would have been like to have openly had weed at my wedding, and... NO. Can I just give a big old no? Not everyone smokes and those who don't are still fairly uptight about being around it. Just last week, my husband's aunt went on a big rant about how awful weed

Cherries are awesome, too! But be careful, the hubs and I ate WAY too many one evening and had... issues... later.

I am 36 and I miss Make It or Break It so much sometimes I want to cry. Also, Huge was an unjust cancellation if there ever was one.

I don't know if you can develop an immunity to strep, but I also stopped getting it as much as I got older. My last bout was sometime in my 20's. I think children are just more susceptible. But yeah, he could be contracting it through restaurants. There is also the issue of children who sent their kids to school sick

I think it would be a great study.

As a child I battled case after case of strep throat and bronchitis. I once came down with scarlet fever from a particularly virulent strain of strep. It was just me and my mom and she worked full time while also going to school, so we ate out A LOT. After doing my own stints in restaurants as an adult, I am convinced

This comment should be at the top of the page. I would star this five hundred times if I could.

He is clearly deeply unhinged. And good for the mail lady. They put up with enough shit.

See, I find this incredibly sweet. I love the message it sends - be who you are! There is someone out there for everyone and everyone deserves love!

Why haven't you snagged this handsome catch?? What is wrong with you???

Yes, and didn't he eventually meet and marry his Wendy? And didn't they have an elaborate Peter Pan themed wedding? I think I remember reading something about this a couple of years ago. He was just eccentric and kind of charming in his weirdness. Romeo Rose is just... gross...

Exactly. My husband and I met online, dated semi-long distance before moving in together, and never not once did I receive nor solicit a "dick pic." Never. It never occurred to either of us.

Sad thing is, though, she could probably have gone ahead and gone to a private Christian school and completed her degree. The ruling set a good precedent, though.

Ugh I know. So UGLY. And not in that I-don't-give-a-shit 90's way, either. It's like really studied and pretentiously ugly.

Thank you! I was like, "What is going ON?"

Yeah, I had to include the addendum because nothing in life is "one size fits all." Yes, this tactic does work with most kids, but some have other issues. Another one is sensory and something to be aware of. People with sensory issues can't handle the way certain foods FEEL in their mouth. It can be treated but it's

I was raised by a divorced mother as well, and believe me, you do the best you can. As far as the shaming to get your daughter to be more adventurous, that might actually help. For my husband, it was law school. He found himself at dinners with professors and possible future employers and couldn't exactly refuse to

My husband as well. It caused both him and his sister to be extremely picky and have a lot of anxiety about trying new foods - what if they hated it and had to eat the whole thing?? They've also both had weight problems brought on by feeling like they had to eat everything in front of them even if they were already

I used to be a caregiver for an autistic adult, and everything she ate had to have a white condiment to dip in. It could be ranch dressing, mayo, sour cream, etc, but it had to be white and she wouldn't touch her food until she had it. Oh I forgot, queso was an acceptable substitution. :p

One of my half-sisters is one of those super moms. All three kids were born totally natural, no drugs, and the middle and baby were born at HOME. She breastfed until they could eat solid foods. They are always in bed by 8, will eat whatever they are served with no fusses, and say things like, "Yes ma'am I love my