
The food thing: I'm not a parent, but I WAS a VERY picky eater from toddler to about third grade. My diet mainly consisted of grilled cheese sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti with meatballs, and biscuits. If my grandmother cooked a vegetable (which meant it was either fried or tasted like bacon) I would eat

374 and it is from Satan.

"...and was kind of pissed that I didn't buy special buns for her."

Apparently, Low-Rent Don also raises canaries:

What is a taco tail?? TACO TAILS. WUT.


Do you feel a little sick if you eat something with meat in it? My sister claims that even a tiny bit of animal protein makes her stomach hurt and gives her problems for days. I've often wondered about the voracity of this claim.

His is name Jason? If so, he is not only a thief but a pathological liar as well, and you should start locking up your stuff until the lease is over when you can get the hell out.

I would KILL for more retailers to start carrying wide widths! Especially in heels and sandles. The side of my feet hanging of the edge of the shoe is not the look I am going for.

Thank you so much for that mansplain. Everything we women do is geared toward the male gaze after all. You have provided a service, sir.

Well, the kid just turned two a couple of months ago, so he isn't really able to give his opinion. While it is probably a little confusing for him, I will point out that the first time I met him, he had been with the family for a couple of days and would still call any woman who picked him up "Mommy." So yeah, he

Thank you so much. My husband is a lawyer, but he primarily works in criminal defense and doesn't have a lot of experience with family law. He's hesitant to give advice, but at the same time he isn't nearly as nervous as the rest of us. I just hope it all works out, no matter how long it takes.

What cuties! May I ask, how long did it take from foster to adoption? My husband has some in-laws who are currently fostering with hope to adopt, but it all seems very up-in-the-air and they are nervous. They are getting really attached to the kid, but the mom still gets supervised visitation and there is still no

My husband and I have been toying with this as well. We thought we wanted kids when we got married, but I went through a miscarriage, then left his employer and became self employed, then I went back to school. Now I'm getting to the point where I'm aging out and honestly don't know if I want to even do it anymore.

Well, I'm not a lawyer, but I went to a private Christian university (I know, I know) and I know for a fact that on their job application they have potential employees provide a "statement of faith." So, some private nonprofit companies already ask about religious affiliation. I would assume it's only a matter of time

This is what gets me about the food service industry. There are all these extremely strict health code regulations and in restaurants you get surprise health department inspections all the time. They are pick about the temperature of holding areas, refrigerators, sell-by dates on packages, on and on, all of it

If someone showed up with that at my baby shower, I would be so mortified I think I would just die.

Yeah, it can be done. My sister doesn't overtly condemn body positivity and preaches a lot of "As long as you're healthy!" but she doesn't mean it. Or rather, she means it, but only if you're also killing yourself to be thin. I have never been thin and will never (baring gastric bypass) be thin. She hates me for not

"if it tastes good, spit it out."

God what is it with a lot of vegans?? My sister does the exact.same.thing. One time, we had a big cook out with all of us plus my stepmom's best friend's whole family. There was SO much food, lots of great smoked meats, plenty of good sides, etc. My sister brought this... Brussels sprouts thing that was basically raw