Yep. Got in my car this morning at 9:00 a.m. and the thermometer said it was 85 outside. 85 degrees at 9:00 in the morning. You bet your ass it's too hot.
Yep. Got in my car this morning at 9:00 a.m. and the thermometer said it was 85 outside. 85 degrees at 9:00 in the morning. You bet your ass it's too hot.
Is that the bitch who called the cops? (Can't watch videos at work.)
Haha. You should come to Thanksgiving sometime! I pull out all the stops and everything except the turkey and cornbread dressing is typically vegetarian. :)
That's what gets me. This whole way of life she has chosen is exactly that - a choice - and yet she expects everyone to cater to her. Most vegetarians I've been friends with in the past are typically genuinely grateful if you make an effort for them and don't leave them to eat nothing but salad and bread. Lately,…
That was my takeaway as well. While I think it's bullshit the mom was arrested (now she'll probably lose that McDonald's job, too), I also take issue with leaving a kid alone in a park for eight hours. But, she was doing her best to find a solution to a bad situation.
Actually, you said it yourself - "summer in the south is never 'fine'". So no, while what your mom did was not necessarily break windows and call CPS category of terrible, it wasn't "fine." I understand that a lot of us grew up in a different time, though. My mom sometimes did the same thing, but I would never do that…
If they do one about people on extreme diets ruining holidays for everyone else, I will definitely submit!
That's... not super cool, dude. My sister has a problem and she's really not a "complete piece of shit." She's a good person with a disorder that is effecting her relationships with her family, not an evil monster person.
Hey, my breaking point was Thanksgiving 2013! -high five!-
I'll bring a big ass bottle of Woodbridge.
My half sister does the exact same thing. It's gotten so bad that I can hardly stand to be around her. She makes everything about food, about what she can* or can not* eat. She will barge into a kitchen where food is being prepared and loudly start demanding the cooks change what they are doing. Over the years it's…
We don't even get all the way to 72. It's more like 75-78. The AC never stops running. I have a dream where I move somewhere that isn't this insanely hot in summer, but that has yet to happen.
Yes, exactly. Cars are green house experiments in action. Even on a nice day, it can get hot enough in a parked and locked car to be extremely dangerous.
Jeeze that is scary. And yeah an hour at HEB won't kill them, and you get to practice your "No" skills, lol. This woman went in for a HAIRCUT while her kids were in the car. What a fucking moron! Just bring them with you and make them sit in the waiting area with coloring books! How hard is that??
Do it! I know from personal experience the cookies on the dashboard thing works (albeit the cookies are shaped pretty funky). Let us know the results. :)
Last summer, my husband and I got stopped on I-35 between Austin and Fort Worth (trailer brake light out). The cop told us to turn off the engine and we lasted MAYBE five minutes before we threw the doors to the car open, gasping. We were drenched in sweat by the time he came back to give us our warning and tell us we…
Can we just go with "never?" It is NEVER ok to leave children or animals locked in a hot car. COME ON, people. This is Texas. Heat indexes are expected to reach 105 today, you could bake cookies on the windshield of your car. And it's just gonna stay this way until October. We ALL know this. We go through this EVERY…
You got it. I mean, I loved the place (will still eat there after having worked there which is rare) and I don't think I said anything incendiary.
These people are the worst. I once worked at a very popular soul food restaurant in Austin. The portions were huge, the plates were more like serving platters, and the drinks were enormous. People loved to go there in big groups, and you'd have to carry out these massive over-sized trays filled with over-sized food.…
If Birks, Docs, and chunky Mary Janes paired with comfy loose baby doll dresses make comebacks, you bet your bippy I'll be rocking that regardless of whatever "If you remember the trend from the first time around you're too old blah blah blah" rule.