
I would tell her that since she doesn't have a definitive date yet, you can not yet give her a firm commitment. Be sure to mention that work/school/family life/what-have-you have to be your priorities and that you are incredibly busy with them already. That way, when the time comes, you'll be able to let her down, you

Oh my god that is so tacky. (The person who confronted your friend/coworker.) Someone I didn't even work with anymore and had never gotten along with in the first place confronted me ON MY FACEBOOK WALL when I didn't invite her to my wedding. It was suuuper uncomfortable and tons of people asked me about it. I didn't

No. No! Do not pass go! Do not spend $75! Do not buy the fucking dress! Tell her whatever you have to tell her - lie, stretch the truth, whatever you have to do, but do not buy that dress.

FWIW, you can still have a wedding but not have bridesmaids. When I got married I had been in three weddings each, no matter how "chill" or down to earth the bride was, ended up costing me around $1,000. The only one I didn't resent the hell out of was my own sister, and I decided before I even met my husband that

Am I the only one who finds it kind of sad that she's resorting to Jenny Craig again? Like, gaining back the weight you lost isn't proof enough that those types of programs are unsustainable long term? Or was the endorsement check too plum to pass up?

I went to one of the first SxSW festivals. I bought a wrist band for $60 that got me into the music AND movies. I made it into every single show/film that I wanted to see. It wasn't crowded, beer wasn't marked up at all, I found parking right down town every single day, and I generally had a blast. I went for at least

"They really would rather be politically irrelevant than appear to be slightly to the left of Moussilini."

Then vote Dem until it passes. If more sane Republicans like you would forgo party loyalty (difficult, I know as a hard-line Dem), the teabaggers couldn't get the votes they need. Too many of you guys are towing the party line and getting in bed with Fascist radicals like Ted Cruz without thinking of the

Secret shame for the Austin Bro: being secretly Republican and wanting a house in Round Rock as soon as he can afford one.

That's ok. You bros tend to do pretty well in life. :)

Nope. Here in Texas, we DEFINITELY have Black and Hispanic bros. A LOT OF THEM.

I call them "Woo Girls." Because in Austin, they always get way too drunk at shows and festivals then stand around going, "WOooooOO! WOO! WOooOOOOO!" Even during really quiet parts of a song or whatever. Then at the end of the night they take off their heels, sit on a curb, and start crying because of some bro.

Precisely. On both counts.

What's sad is that CPS in Texas is committed to keeping children with family above all else. It is highly likely that he will be placed with other relatives and these sorry excuses for humans will one day again have access to him. It's doubtful that he will end up in a great adoptive home. It will likely be with some

I was a theatre major. We are horrid. I know.

I don't get the mindset of "I won't even try it." I just don't understand. I am fat and I love food, so I totally understand wanting to eat things you like and wanting to be satiated, but I DO NOT understand refusal to eat veggies and fruits and refusal to exercise. My friend also won't eat non-white carbs. She also

-nods- Yep, that's how people have been trying to get my friend to eat for years. Nothing doing, though. She won't even really give it a try. She's T2 and on insulin injections. Everyone who knows and loves her is past the point of getting her to try and has accepted that she is an adult with self determination and

It might have been a chain where everything comes prepackaged.

I've heard of pre-diabetics doing really well with something like South Beach, but I can't imagine how something super high-fat like paleo would be good for them. The paleo thing is kind of getting on my nerves. One thing is not the answer for everyone.

THANK YOU. I am sitting here stunned that so many people believe that blue cheese dressing is soooo much better than Ranch and just peachy for diabetics! Why?? Because blue cheese is fancier? Because Ranch has such a low-class reputation? I am completely confused. They are the same fucking thing.