
No, it doesn't. Blue cheese and ranch dressing are essentially the same damn thing. They are both mayonnaise that has been flavored and thinned with buttermilk. Most commercial and restaurant varieties of both have sugar added in the form of high fructose corn syrup.

Yeah, that's really fucking annoying. At least my friend doesn't complain. She just goes into what I am starting to believe are little mini-comas where she'll sleep for like fifteen hours at a stretch after consuming huge amounts of carbs and sugar. We are all worried about her, but she's an adult with self

No, no it isn't. Blue cheese dressing and Ranch dressing are the same damn thing. They are both mayonnaise flavored and thinned out with buttermilk. That is it. I have made both in vast quantities in my restaurant days. Furthermore, most commercial dressings, whether savory or sweet contain high fructose corn syrup,

Yes, she is actually a wonderful person. Plus, it's fun to eat with her because she will NEVER judge your food choices!

I had to have a similar conversation once when waiting tables. It was Mother's Day Lunch (aka HELL ON EARTH), two cooks called out, two servers just failed to show, and our hostess quit the night before. I was trying to wait tables and run the hostess stand. We were on about an hour and a half wait and the place was a

The idea was trying to incorporate more healthy fats and fewer saturated fats. And yes, when you eat a side Ranch with just about every single meal, I would say that was the issue.

Well yes, general consensus is that the pamphlet was terrible. (It was all NO, NO, DO NOT, etc, very negative and blame-y.)

I know someone who is diabetic, and finally things got kind of bad and her doctor gave her a pamphlet with some dietary guidelines to follow. It was the usual stuff like, whole grains, fruits and veggies, lean protein, etc, but at the end was an admonishment in all caps - "NO RANCH DRESSING!!!!!"

The person I know definitely uses sex as a substance! I don't know about other substances but I'm pretty sure she has a taste for drugs and she's vain enough not to use food. She keeps running away and they keep finding her shacked up with 35+ year old guys (she's 19).

Her behavior really reminds me of someone I know who has been diagnosed with BPD. It's kind of awful and a horrible situation for the family. They keep trying and trying to get her help but nothing ever sticks.

Have you seen the documentary about her? If not, I highly recommend it. It was on Netflix instant for a while, not sure if it's still there though.

Pamie also had the best website and her forum was awesome fun. I wouldn't be surprised if some Jezzies were there back in the day.

Yeah, I feel for that too but I also see it as part of adult life. I'm married and my husband and I have colleagues and sometimes we have to go to parties where we might not necessarily share the same interests and personalities as other people there. I find the wives of my husband's colleagues to be pretty boring,

I am going to miss TWOP so much. I love discussion forums, and came of age in a time when they were the only social media. At one point, I belonged to ten or so different forums. Of all those, only one still survives and only then because the members won't let it die and we pay a small monthly fee to keep it going.

I can't help but root for her. I know that I would probably dislike her tremendously in real life, and she would probably not like me much either (being fat and unapologetic about it and all) but damn that woman works her ass off and constantly calls out the misogyny in her industry. Also, if it weren't for her, we

Beyond public housing, I'm wondering why she isn't on child care assistance. The article says that the Repugs have made it harder to qualify, but I live in Texas and even here if you're homeless and indigent with kids there are programs that get you certified for child care assistance and housing immediately. But,

I know, right? I didn't even spend that much on my wedding dress. And the girl's family is not wealthy. I don't get it.

Yes! This! I hate it when women say they "just don't get along with women." No, you haven't met the right women. I don't really get along with babybabybaby-diet-skinny-diet-diet-baby types either but it's not because I don't get along with women, it's because those things don't particularly interest me.

Ha! You sound like me and my husband. :) Every time we see kids with iPhones, or when his niece and nephew get every damn stupid "must have" toy on the market, or see something like the kid of a friend who just bought a $1000 prom dress (!) we always fly into rage ranting about kids these days and how ours will know

Stick to your guns. When I went to college my mother was still married to my stepfather who made astounding amounts of money. As a result, I was given an allowance way outside what my general background would have allowed without him. Because of that, I never ever learned the value of money and when he left my mom and