
I will always believe that if my mother and other family had just calmed down about my childhood chubbiness it would have worked itself out on its own and I wouldn't have the weight issues I have today. Anxiety can certainly prompt abnormal eating behaviors and if you make that person anxious about the eating, it is a

Oh my god that is horrible. Diet pills at SIX?? You are lucky if you didn't end up with permanent heart damage, not to mention lasting body issues. -internet hugs- Early messaging about body image is incredibly important, I want to get this out to the world.

I am amazed at how many of us there are.

I'm convinced that the early fat-shaming and panic from my family (who meant well, I must clarify) resulted in my life long weight struggles and current obesity. I am convinced that if they had just chilled the fuck out and let me figure it out on my own I wouldn't be where I am today. Children are remarkably

Yeah, I've always felt for the token dude at WW meetings. It works for me short term, but I can't count fucking points every day for the rest of my life. Fuck that noise.

Yep. They have always had a kid's program. It's not advertised now days, and you even have to hunt around on the website to find it, but it's still there.

And I thought my mom was wrong in signing me up for Weight Watchers at age 10. Guess I dodged a bullet. What a horrible person that mother must be.

Yeah, my husband got some thinking I would be an IPA I could enjoy. I still couldn't deal with the hops. For some reason, overtly bitter flavors just really overwhelm my palate. When it comes to beer, I lean toward heffeweisens and Belgians.

I know. Also, it's probably the one substance the majority can agree on. I mean, my beloved white wine got voted down in the first bracket. The first bracket! -sob- Also, votes are going to split on booze and aside from coke at parties this doesn't seem like the most druggy crowd on earth. Any hard core lovers of

Pretty sure weed is gonna take this whole thing by a mile.

Right here, but I hate IPA's. Don't like PBR either so that one was a bit of a lesser of two evils thing. Vote for easy-drinking swill? Vote for something that will kill my palate for the rest of the day? It was a tough call.

I picked Advil because while Oxy is, of course, an insanely good pain reliever, it's also hard to come by and you can't take it in the middle of the day at work (at least I can't). So Advil got my vote for sheer practicality.

I know you already have a lot of responses, I just want to register that I also did not find Leto's comments offensive. Also, I thought the film was pretty ambiguous about whether Rayon was transgendered or a drag queen. Not that it matters. Anyway, I thought it was a gorgeous performance and a wonderful character. I

I hear this shit all the time at my job.

Are you from Texas? Most people have no idea that sizzrup started in Houston with DJ Screw. I've had to explain this more times than I can count and it makes me sound like I know a lot more about hip hop than I do!

Yes! Love it!

Yeah, but here's the deal - when you're fat it's not just BCBG. It's ALL boutique retailers who don't carry plus sizes. They won't even help you find SHOES. They won't even acknowledge you are in the store. It's not just that the individual sales girls are snotty, it is an active corporate decision to keep

Wow! I'll check it out. Thanks!

Yeah, any time the designers have to design for someone over size 2 they act like the whole fucking world is coming to an end. It's really old and played at this point.

Also, if I were to walk into a BCBG, the sales girls would just stare past me like I wasn't even there. None of this "going to check in the back" shit. Just straight up ignore. I won't even go into those places for handbags or shoes.