
Yeah, it's not working. The only promoted reply so far is a troll. FML.

I know! How is this the only fucking comment showing up??? FUCK THIS KINJA SHIT.

I just wish we could get more of those indie designers in department stores. I have a couple I'm dying to order from, but if I'm going to pay over $150 for a single piece, I would vastly prefer being able to try the item on.

I personally am shocked by Orlando Bloom. Orlando! No!

Holy shit. That has to be some kind of child abuse stemming from a psychological disorder of the parent, like Factitious Disorder by Proxy. Did he ever say what the outcome was?

Yeah, that's still not a good enough reason to drive drunk. I once walked from ACL to the Driskill Hotel looking for a cab during ACL Fest. I've had a hard time finding a cab during busy times, but I either managed to walk until I found one or call a friend to come pick me up. That said, I totally understand the

Seriously! This is what I keep saying. Even if you can't get the free cab (sometimes the waits can be insanely long), then isn't the price of the cab worth not getting a DUI and risk killing people?! There have been SO many times I've gone downtown and drank too much, then had to take a cab home. It might have been

What about their FINISHED BASEMENT??

That gif is hilarious and wonderful. Also, I think Michelle is so over being first lady. Oh my god her face. Love it.

Great! Thanks!

Have you asked your insurance? A friend of mine had loose skin from gastric bypass and her insurance covered a tummy tuck, breast lift, and removal of several pounds of skin.

I want it as well. My father and stepmother both had it done and they swear by it. Their insurance didn't cover it, but we all work for the state government and have a flex card we can put pretax dollars on during enrollment time. That was how they paid for their procedures. I know the one they had done was the one

Has anyone here had photofacial work done? I have lots of sun damage on my chest that I would like to blast off, but can't find pricing anywhere. I'm also nervous about pain/permanent damage.

I was coming here to say this. My husband and I have made wine using the juice kits, and even our initial outlay for supplies and equipment was less than $500. And to top it off, each kit makes about thirty bottles of wine. I think this is a cool gadget, but there is already a way to make wine at home and it's a LOT

Right?? It is SO heartbreaking that this is happening in the United States.

That is awful. I can't imagine. I grew up in the days of the AIDS crisis and it still has the power to scare the bejeezus out of me.

Aren't pregnant women with HIV treated with special drugs to keep the virus from passing to the baby? How is it that some people aren't getting this treatment?

Wow that is really challenging. Working with adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities was one of the hardest yet most rewarding jobs I have ever done. You are doing great work, keep it up. As long as someone cares and isn't going to give up on him, there is hope for improvement.

I have a question about the behavior. I worked with an autistic teenager who had toileting aversions. We found that if we placed a grown-up sized potty chair in her room, she was less likely to wet the bed. We started with the chair right next to the bed then gradually moved it closer and closer to the bathroom until

Ha! My mom didn't breastfeed my sister or me because, "It was just... kind of... I don't know... gross." Lol. We both cracked up laughing. I mean, we got fed, right? We're here. We're not dying of scurvy.