
I find it a shame that this thread got hijacked by a troll. I feel that using credit scores as a hiring metric is incredibly harmful to the American middle class, and as an extension, the economy. I really wish it were being discussed more, and I would love to see legislation passed to eliminate the practice.

Ha! Me too! I was like -boom- fodder for the next time someone accuses me of having a different standard for men than women.

Well, if I were abused I would probably post it as well. That's a different thing.

Love this. I would post it to my Facebook wall, but have sooo many friends who are all, "WHAT? I got spanked and turned out fine! I have this thing called RESPECT!" and it's so fucking annoying but these are all people I love in every other aspect of life. So I'm torn. I want to post an anti-spanking meme, but I don't

I can't make myself watch Twelve Years a Slave, either. It's been sitting in my download queue (sshhhh) for weeks and weeks. I have a stressful, depressing job. Anymore, when it comes time to watch a movie the last thing I want is stressful and depressing.

Ah yes, the Satan paranoia of the 80's! Good times! When my husband's grandmother moved to assisted living and we cleaned out her house, we found all kinds of books and videos (natch) with titles like, The Dangers of Satanism: Is Your Family at Risk? and Warning Signs: Protecting Your Children from Satanic Cults with

That was the most shocking part of this for me. I've had some experience with pathological young people, and lying about being in a Satanic cult and/or murder are sadly fairly common. Never seen a parent that gungho about punishment, though.

I dated a pathological liar/kleptomaniac who insisted over and over again his fiance had died in a car wreck when she was 25. As our relationship went on, I started thinking it was weird that there were no pictures of this girl around, he never mentioned her by name only as "My fiance who died," never could give a

So glad I'm not the only one who's freaked out by Lipnitskaya! My husband and I call her Little Russian Skate-bot and make jokes about Putin turning her off and storing her in a cabinet the Kremlin when there are no skating competitions to go to. She gives me the creeps.

It drives me crazy. It makes their feet look like hooves.

I was telling my husband last night that if I were a skater I would skate exclusively to Phillip Glass. Lulz.

No problem. I should also tell you that these breeds aren't stable. Without proper nutrition and exercise, these adorable teeny piglets can easily grow into giant hogs. I've been eying the piglets over at for a while. Even the breeders are careful to explain that the pig staying little isn't a

Ok, I really researched these damn things because I wanted one SO BAD. Yes, they are trainable. No, they are not naturally social like dogs. They need socialization to not be just pigs wallowing around in your yard. However, they can be trained to use either litter box OR go outside, so there's that. They can also be

The breeds are unstable. They will only stay that tiny with a VERY strict diet and exercise regimen. Also, you know how if humans and dogs gain weight, we just gain fat and muscle, our bones don't get any bigger. Well, with piggies, their BONES get bigger. So, your adorable tiny teacup piglet can easily turn into a

Look into antique dealers as well. My husband got my ring from a dealer in New York for about a third of what he would have paid retail for a new diamond. It's also cooler because we can tell people it's Art Deco AND we didn't have to support the bullshit diamond industry or fork over ridiculous two months salary.

I thought it was fairly common knowledge that "chocolate" diamonds were just ugly industrial diamonds being marketed as special. When my husband and I were ring shopping, we could NOT stop rolling our eyes at the "chocolate" diamonds and lab-created colored diamonds being sold as unique and special. We ended up going

You may have seen one and not known it. Most regular Pulis or Komodors who are kept as house dogs are kept with short hair cuts, so they don't get the dread effect. Those dreaded coats are a ton of work from what I hear.

Oh I know it's a dream scenario. But my whole family has had old houses and I think I have a little PTSD from all the renos, lol. Anytime someone I know is like, "Look at this awesome old house I want to buy." I want to just be like, "NO don't do it!" All I see are dollar signs.

Do you have piles and piles of money you have no idea what to do with? Because I guarantee that thing is a money pit from Hell. My aunt and uncle restored an old Victorian. Despite the cool ghost stories that came from it, it was an unmitigated nightmare of "This crucial thing holding up the whole house is irrevocably

A lot of her films could never be made today. Check out War Babies in the thread above yours.