
Yeah. I know someone who worked at one of the companies mentioned in this and she was back to work (working from home, but STILL) a WEEK after having her baby. A WEEK. She was so paranoid about being laid off if she took any more than that that she set up her laptop and phone beside the bed and started answering

I'm a meat eater but fairly comfortable with where it comes from. I know people, though, who donate money to SPCA, WWF, etc. They post those horrible memes about animal cruelty on Facebook, talk about how they want people who hurt animals to be raped in prison, etc. And yet, these same folks won't even consider

Yes, well, to be fair to the Lithuanians, Condi kind of obviously had a huge crush on W. Which I do.not.understand. At all.

Definitely they should have had better PR. I'm actually really surprised they didn't. What, did they think they could do it themselves? Don't worry about seeming cynical! These are a very cynical Olympics, which is sad for Sochi and the athletes.

That's an interesting take. My husband also pointed out that the Chinese really went above and beyond rolling out the red carpet for all the foreign visitors, while the Russians have been plagued with reports of horrible conditions for press/non-athletes. It's interesting to hear your Russian friends didn't like the

I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to anyone who has to go through this. My grandmother died of GBM back in '89. Her diagnosis was sparked by the onset of neurological disturbances. There were some weird instances of short term memory loss, then a fall, then -BOOM- brain cancer. She went through treatment,

I thought it was interesting how the commentators couldn't let that whole Soviet thing go, yet at the Beijing Olympics, I don't remember a word being uttered about the Cultural Revolution. Kind of a double standard there.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they are paid for every episode they appear on the show. That money is supposed to sustain them while they work out at home until the finale.

Awesome Kafka reference there.

Yes! The fact that Pussy Riot has made it so that people as mainstream as Bob Costas have to say the work "pussy" with total seriousness and no bleeping is subversive and punk rock as FUCK.

When you have money for regular facials and the best moisturizers your skin will look really smooth and flawless even without makeup.

Ah! Yes, they do seem insufferable!

Did you watch the Colbert interview? They came off as witty, sharp, and kind. I don't see how that's insufferable in the least. Now, if you're referring to the vegan thing, that's a whole other dinner party issue entirely...

Thanks for posting this. My husband and I watched their Colbert interview last night and we both were left wondering if they would stay out of Russia for the foreseeable future to pursue careers in human rights justice. (Not that we blame them in the slightest.)

Nah, man. That's, like, every restaurant.

Yes, oh my god. When I worked retail over the Thanksgiving - Christmas holidays one year, I lost twenty pounds in the first month without even trying. Same thing when I worked in restaurants. And all I was eating then was basically fried butter with butter sauce on butter.

How do you type at the same time? My job is sitting at a desk, but I also type (complex data entry) ALL day long. I have to maintain approx 150 wpm to keep up with the work load. I can see using one of these if you're just talking on the phone and doing light typing, but I can't see being able to walk, think of what

Probably not much for a young person who worked out like she did. Lose skin is much more of a problem when sedentary older people lose a lot of weight quickly.

That's very similar to addicts who kick their substance then move on to careers as addiction specialists, counselors, and interventionists. Makes sense.

She did it to win $250,000. She isn't going to live this way for the rest of her life. I would speculate that she's probably already gained back at least a few pounds.