
I actually don't see anyone saying that. I see people saying she looks unhealthy (which is stupid) and I see people calling out the hypocrisy of a show that pays people to lose weight being appalled that someone lost too much weight. But I don't see anyone (no regular commenters anyway) arguing that concern trolling

Yes! Shoshanna is my favorite and now my opinion is validated. Marnie is least fave. Again, thank you for validating my opinion, Jez.

No. The people calling her "unhealthy looking" are THE SAME people who would call me unhealthy just by looking at me. I'm really sick of the "ooh we skinnies are sooo persecuted" shit on Jez. It's not true. It's just not true.

Wouldn't you? I would.

Actually, no. If you read the comments, I think you will find most people are making the point that when you are fat no matter what you do you can't win. She was shamed for being fat so she went on one of the most exploitative shows on television, played the game really well, got super skinny, and now people are

Don't you know? If you're fat, you CAN'T WIN. I'm fat. I've done a million diets. Nothing is ever good enough and no matter what I do there is someone just waiting to shame me for not doing what they think I should do. I've basically given up at this point and just live my life trying to be happy.

This is my strategy for dealing with my Republican cousins during elections. I actually like them except that they are Republicans and I don't want to start a family war by unfriending them, so I just block them then unblock them once stuff dies down.

Damn! I love me a fancy cocktail and those are some fine fancy cocktails. See?! How could Goopy not be just a little bit fun?

I kind of can't help but like her as well. She seems like she'd be pretty entertaining to spend an evening with and I would be good money she has impeccable taste in booze.

I lived in Japan for a couple of years in the 90's. By all American accounts, I was perfectly average for a 14 year-old. Japan, though, made me feel like a giant lumbering water buffalo at all times. At size 10, I couldn't even find clothing there. I loved Japan, but jeeze I was glad when I moved to Manila and could

I was wondering the same thing, and also wondering if maybe there were problems before the surgery. I have a friend who had gastric bypass and went on to have twins. Of course, everyone is different, but I've read up a lot about gastric surgery and I have never heard of infertility being a side effect.

Like the other poster said, obese pets are often owned by elderly obese humans. My brother-in-law's grandmother has this dachshund who weighed almost 40 pounds. She had dementia and never fed him regular dog food. Instead, she would hold him on her lap and feed him dog treats. The poor thing could barely move, but

What in ever loving fuck is going on here?? Couple's first gyno exam? Delivering imaginary baby while wearing wedding dress? Some weird Russian sex thing? What?

Yes, I believe so. The first five minutes of that movie seem to have struck fear deep in the hearts of many white liberal educated men. Which, fine, I get it, but dudes that movie was made over ten years ago. It was a JOKE. A tasteless joke at that. It is not a real life predictor. Let.It.Go.

I have the same question! Mine is all gunked up with microscopic bits of "spice." Also, there is this little bottom part that screws off where you catch stuff and it won't even come off anymore.

I've heard men on the left make this argument as well. As in, "All those ignorant Southern religious poors are breeding left and right, and liberal women should be having as many kids as they are to balance things!" Some men just like to blame women no matter what side of the political fence they fall on.

Oh, Rand Paul would definitely blame your sister. I had to dismiss a troll in this thread who responded to my original post with something like, "WELL, who lets the losers have sex with them?!?!?" Some people just like blaming women because they hate women.

Ugh, what a low life. I am so sorry for your sister. Take heart, though, if/when he decides he wants to retire and/or file disability and draw Social Security, they will garnish his SSA checks for all that back child support. I see dead beat dads all the time who lose half their check to back pay child support. And

Yep. They need their servants and soldiers.

He obviously has absolutely no experience working with people in poverty, or he would know there are PLENTY of married couples living on government benefits. What, he thinks the second you get married to someone, your combined income magically increases above the poverty line? I would love to know how that works. I