
I feel like people who have to specifically point out how much they hate drama queens and liars, are in fact drama queens and liars.

My husband just said, "Does that come in plus sizes?"

I once dated a guy who was so paranoid about getting a DUI he refused to drink anything at all ever in public places. That meant water, tea or coffee even in nice restaurants. I am also a bit of a wine/cocktail enthusiast and it drove me nuts. After we broke up, I amended my online dating profile to clearly state that

God that is amazing. I would LOVE for this to be highly encouraged (not mandatory) for all males entering puberty. Then they can make an informed decision if/when to have children.

My husband does it. I have no idea how it works, lol! It's very byzantine. I will say that it makes me feel like my dollar has more of a vote at the box office. For me to spend money in a theater, it has to be a very high quality film.

Revolt how? How do women in small towns who have no access to abortion services revolt? Here in Texas we had Wendy Davis filibuster to stop a restrictive law from passing, then our asswipe governor just called a "special session" and passed it anyway. It's really disheartening and it feels like there is NOTHING we can

To be totally honest, my husband and I torrented it. After the movie agreed that we would have been pissed off had we spent $20 on movie tickets to see it in the theater.

That is fucking terrifying.

She is miscast and doesn't hold the accent well, but her character and performance very much match with the "all style no substance" nature of the movie. Honestly, I don't understand why this film is getting so much attention. It's very pretty, but it is also ridiculously derivative of much better crime movies and is

Yes. You can get your tacos, lap dance, bottle of tequila, and day care all in one strip mall! Convenient!

Interesting! I am not from Houston, everything I know is gleaned from my husband and his law school friends. I will ask about this when I get home.

I didn't grow up there, and it's odd for me, too. My husband went to UofH for law school, and he learned to love Houston while there. After he took me around and wined and dined me a little, I learned there is far more to the city than strip malls and car lots, and I liked it a whole lot better. We're looking to move

Yeah, I was born and grew up in west Texas, then spend many years in Austin, and I always thought Houston was so weird. I never liked it until I spent a little more time there and got used to it. It's a pretty cool city once you get over the strangeness of the no zoning and get into the city proper.

Houston also has no zoning restrictions. This means you can have a preschool next to a liquor store right next to some high end houses. It's very strange. The 1997 law was an attempt to regulate the strip clubs without having to add zoning restrictions.

Well, yes, there is shaming that comes with eating McDonald's while fat. However, eating McDonald's while fat AND pregnant? Whole other level of mockery. Like, "Why are you killing the children you monster???"

I've heard doulas and midwives advocate the occasional edible to help combat morning sickness. I wouldn't tell a mainstream OB, though. Those are some judgy mofo's right there, let me tell you.

However, if you are fat and pregnant, the food shaming NEVER ENDS. If a fat pregnant woman eats a Big Mac, she may as well be chugging a bottle of vodka, the way some people react. If you are thin and pregnant, then it gets to be cute and funny and everyone giggles about the cravings.

That was my question about this project. I would understand if there were some sort of underlying point about consumerism or unhealthy fast food or whatever, but there isn't. Just randomly deciding to eat nothing but Starbucks (which, it must be said, has extremely depressing food options) is just strange and

Ha! We have this janky vending machine at work. Sometimes, you put your money in, make your selection, but it won't give you your Pop Tarts or whatever and the little screen goes, "MAKE ANOTHER SELECTION." We have all decided that the machine is randomly judging our choices and every now and then you'll hear a

That's usually what happens the more popular a name gets. Fifteen to twenty years ago, Jayden was a total yuppie name. It's trickled down and now become "trashy." Now all the yuppies are all having Olivia's and Maxwell's and those will surely trickle down as well.