
LOL! That's crazy! Also, don't you know she knows everything about everything and might as well be a Nobel winner?? GOSH.

I know that in my case I wanted to just move on with my life and not ever have to deal with her again. I left CL's employment with her owning me lots of back pay, too. Maybe it will make you feel better that I called the IRS and reported her and her husband for using funds donated to the nonprofit for her for-profit

My mom and aunt went to this and DID NOT INVITE ME. Imagine my ire.

Thanks! Maybe one day I will stop procrastinating and get this done.

Oh my god that sounds so much like her. Was this in Austin?

My dog does the same thing! I tried over and over to get her to like the dog park, then just gave up because she clearly hates it. And yes, it's fully established that she is a little weirdo.

Public land? In Texas? That isn't a park of some kind and you can hunt on it? LOLOLOL.

A deer lease. You have to pay someone so that they'll let you on their land so you can hunt. Here in Texas, deer leases go into the thousands of dollars depending on where you are and how many deer are averaged to be on the property.

The only thing about this as a subsistence issue I have a problem with is that hunting is NOT CHEAP. It's not like you borrow your dad's gun, go out into the woods, and shoot a deer. No. It's more like, borrow your dad's gun, pay a couple hundred for a hunting permit, another couple hundred for a lease, then yet

That doesn't mean I have to like her or the system she leeches off of for sustenance.

Yuck. Maybe she's a nice person on the face of it, but this kind of vapidity makes my stomach turn. I don't like most of these people. This lady keeps people I don't like in the spotlight. Therefore, I don't like this lady.

If loving this is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

Jeeze that link is crazy! A friend of mine was suckered out of a couple thousand dollars by this raw vegan freak who was charging my friend all that money for "nutrition lessons." I took him by to make a payment on time unannounced and lo and behold, who was eating a large delivery pizza in front of the

That's awful. I know some people in the restaurant industry and the reason Guy won't go away is because Diners, Drive-ins and Dives is AMAZING promotion for your restaurant. There are places that you can get into for a couple of months after they are on that show.

Princess is a fairly common Hispanic name. I live in south Texas and know three or four women named Princess. and have some really nice dresses for evening. I also second the recommendations for ASOS.

AH! Did you talk about this with your siblings? Did your brother have any weird stuff happen when he lived in that room??

What I find disturbing is that if she were a man no jury in the world would have convicted her and she would be heralded as a bringer of vigilante justice. Shit like this is just proof of the subjugation of women and girls that still happens every day.

Honestly, I think you would be better off doing a program for public policy. (Look into the LBJ School of Public Policy at the University of Texas.) Most people who make money practicing law are people who set up their own practice and go after criminal and family law cases. My husband went to law school because it's

Girl. I woke up in the middle of the night last night and could not get this story out of my head! I had to get up, go turn on a light in the bathroom, then go back to be with an ambient light on. I was so freaked out!