
It depends on how long ago the events happened and what kind of events they were - murder? Yes, it's disclosed to buyers forever. An old lady just died of old age in the house? I think they have to tell the buyers directly after the death, but no others. Another weird one - if someone died of AIDS in a house, it has

When you post, your comments are gray and they go at the bottom of the page unless someone promotes you or you get enough star buttons pushed for your post. After a while, they will make it so that you're permanently out of the gray and your posts show up automatically, but it takes for-ev-er.

Nice twist on the scary story! True and non-supernatural, but still frightening! Good job.

Ooooh good one!! I also love old houses and the weirdness that comes with them.

Weird! Sometimes I get that thing where I'm doing something and it seems really familiar and I realized I've dreamed it before, but nothing as specific and freaky as this.

Ah thank you so much! <3


Hey Dodai, this is my story! Now that I've had a story featured in a Jezebel feature, can I please get promoted out of the gray?? Please??

EXACTLY! Also, more like, "those... other brown people." People are fucking gross.

Yeah, he definitely is mentally ill. However, mental illness does not excuse one from the consequences of being a racist twat waffle.

Oh, I guarantee you he headed over to the food stamp office the second he got laid off. These chodes do this shit all the time. For real, I will be interviewing them for benefits while at the same time they complain to me about "welfare queens" who "live off the system." I want to smack every single one of them right

RIGHT?! AND how is this person out of the grays and I'm not!?! This is really starting to piss me off!

I had one go to over $300 one summer when my roommate suddenly started demanding the AC be kept at 74 degrees 24/7. That was fun.

Ok, so that's two. I actually thought of a another one, the lead singer of Alabama Shakes. So that's three. Out of THOUSANDS. Also, isn't just about every article written about Beth Ditto about how unconventional-looking she is, her weight, and also how she doesn't look like a typical female lead singer? Imagine if

Isn't this the music industry as whole, though? When was the last time you saw a non-hot chick fronting any band? When was the last time a non-attractive woman won a reality singing show? It's something I really detest about the entertainment industry.

Go for it. I met my husband online when I was over thirty AND a fat chick. It was a double plus douche bag eliminator. I didn't get as many dates as my 24 year old yoga girl sister, but I got more quality dates and ended up meeting my husband.

Dude, no. That's a fucking compliment! Adele is gorgeous now, has always been gorgeous, and will always be gorgeous whether she weights 100 pounds or 300 pounds. Case in point: when styling myself for my wedding, I brought dozens and dozens of photos of Adele and basically was like, "Make me look like her." She is a

Right? I saw a young girl, maybe fourteen or fifteen, out with her parents wearing shorts so short you could see her ass cheeks. I don't blame or slut-shame the girl, but the parents of this child really need to be called out.

Better yet, have them all move to that Libertarian oasis of no government, Somalia. I think they would really love living in Somalia. No government, no regulations, no rules.

Yeah, it's dumb ass bullshit for sure. People really do think that SNAP recipients eat nothing but lobster and filet mignon and have plenty left over for contributing to parties. This is part of the narrative first introduced by the radical right that has infiltrated down to the masses.